Population Control

Population Control? Sustainable Development IS The Proven Solution

Dr. Tim Ball makes an important correlation that development drives population down, not up. This was likely well-understood by the creators of Agenda 21 in 1992, when they called for a reduced global population in order to achieve Sustainable Development. In other words, the concept of population reduction is implicit in the concept of Sustainable Development.

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Paul Ehrlich’s ‘Population Bomb’ Deceived Millions About Certainty Of Eco-Doom

Ehrlich peddled his eco-doom snake-oil to millions but not one of his bombastic predictions have come to pass in the last 50 years. In short, Ehrlich demonstrated a Technocrat mindset by claiming his 'science' was the only truth of the matter and all other 'deniers' would pay a big price for rejecting his warnings.

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Joseph Fletcher’s Dark Dreams Becoming Our Reality

This is a thoughtful article and an important part of the history of modern ethics: Fletcher was an Episcopalian priest who converted to atheism before launching into situational ethics in the early 1970s. This twisted system of ethics has enabled modern Technocrats to do anything their mind can dream up.

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Assisted Suicide Laws Are Creating A ‘Duty-To-Die’ Medical Culture

United Nations zealots claim that planet earth can only sustain a population of 600-800 million people, but they never declare how to get rid of the other 6.5 billion. The demographic charts are already in steep decline because of reduced birth-rates, and now assisted suicide is attacking the elder side of the population equation. The proposition is when you are consuming a disproportionate amount of resources during your end-of-life struggles, then it is you duty to die.

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Population Bomb: Half The World’s Population Is Below Replacement Fertility Rate

Google returns 7.5 million results for the word 'overpopulation', all of which are ignorant, if not outright fraudulently claiming that population is the blame for everything. Here is a typical propaganda statement:

Human overpopulation is among the most pressing environmental issues, silently aggravating the forces behind global warming, environmental pollution, habitat loss, the sixth mass extinction, intensive farming practices and the consumption of finite natural resources, such as fresh water, arable land and fossil fuels, at speeds faster than their rate of regeneration.

Population fear-mongering is a total fraud, similar to global warming, used to drive the U.N.'s Sustainable Development agenda.

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Sex Robot Craze Sparks Rise Of Digisexual Men Who Will Only Sleep With Sex Robots

This is a randy topic that I hesitate to expose to TN readers, but it is a serious societal problem that is about to explode. With birthrates already declining sharply in the industrialized world, men who have grown tired of relationships with women are running to a viable surrogate for sex, namely, sex robots. This will further exacerbate the birth rate problem, and fall into the population reduction scheme of global Technocracy.

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Elon Musk: Global Population Is Collapsing And Nobody Seems To Care

Demographic implosion has been well-known by sociologists for decades, but the Technocrats are just now acknowledging the facts. Contrary to statements by over-population alarmists, world population could literally be cut in half within 50 years. Sustainable Developers should be thrilled with the attendant reduction of resource usage.

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Addiction To Smartphones Has Become The Heroin Of Technocracy

The addictive nature of smartphones is being used against consumers as a conduit to deliver brainwashing, propaganda and dogma to completely change public perception of reality. This is in preparation for full-blown Technocracy, which would never, ever be acceptable to people without such brain conditioning. Welcome to the 'zombie world' of technology. This article deals with the addictive nature of smartphones.

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Love And Sex Robots: The Final Frontier Of Voluntary Human Extinction

This has to be said. The human race perpetuates because of biological reproduction, but history reveals every sort of sexual perversion imaginable. In spite of that, populations have increased. The post-modern perversion of having sex with robots or within virtual reality, removes all desire for human companionship. As Artificial Intelligence is blended with fantasy and faux flesh, the minds of men and women will be permanently rewired to prefer robot satisfaction. It will not be necessary to force such compliance, either; both men and women will gravitate to their own destruction like a moth is attracted to the flame. Technocrats invent because they can, not because it is smart.

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