
Government Foments Mass Hysteria For State Of Never-Ending Crisis

Technocrats defined Technocracy in the 1930s as "the science of social engineering". The so-called science has advanced rapidly with the expansion of other sciences, to the point of total domination. Propaganda is only effective if you do not recognize that it is propaganda, and Technocrats have discovered how to disguise it as truth.

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Denialism: How The Woke Stifle Dissent

Propaganda comes in all forms of communication and one big item is name calling. The word "denier' has been overused to great success by woke ideologues: anybody who speaks something that they don't like is automatically labeled a "denier" and summarily excluded from the discussion. "Denier" is a subtle type of derision, making the target to appear irrelevant, if not malicious.

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WHO: Anti-Vaccine Activism Deadlier Than Global Terrorism

Anti-science aggression? Anti-vaccine activism? Major killing force globally? The propaganda issued by the WHO is incredulous, if not just plain stupid. Yet, hundreds of millions continue to spread the myths of Scientism, or the irrational worship and acceptance of pseudo-science. In fact, the WHO itself is the biggest promotor of anti-science rhetoric.

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Court Orders CDC to Release Data Showing 18 Million Vaccine Injuries in America

America was warned by top medical professionals, scientists and even TN that these shots were harming millions of people in America and around the world. The truth will now come out and all who took mRNA shots must strive to rebuild their immune system and detox their bodies. The long-term effects will take a huge toll.

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Whitehead: The Government’s Propaganda Of Fear, Mind Control & Brain Warfare

Technocracy in the 1930s claimed to be the "Science of Social Engineering" where humans were to be controlled to conform to its twisted dystopian scientific dictatorship. Of course, it is in reality a pseudo-science that pretends to be real science in order to fool practitioners into committing horrendous crimes against humanity.

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WEF: Lessons Learned In COVID Lockdowns Will Be Applied To Carbon

Technocrats who engineered the COVID panic of 2020 took copious notes to discover how the same public manipulation might work for global warming and the war on carbon. Technocracy was originally defined as the "Science of Social Engineering", and they have lived up to it ever since. Brainwashing under any other name is still brainwashing.

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Trusted News Initiative: Orwellian Global Ministry of Truth

To Orwell's litany of doublethink, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”, we must add "Lies are true." The Trusted News Initiative is the master global propaganda machine designed to crush any and all dissent against Technocracy's war on humanity. The human cost of TNI's propaganda is now in the millions.

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Hiding in Plain Sight: Technocratic Tyranny Behind a Medical Mask

A new journal called Propaganda in Focus has just been launched and carried this must-read article on Technocratic Tyranny. This paper examines the creation, construction and role of propaganda during the pandemic: "technocracy will lure us, from the safety of the blind spots in our stress and trauma and fear, ever closer to the precipice. "

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The Psychology And History Of Manipulation: 6 Lessons From The Master Of Propaganda

Propaganda is the hallmark of revolution and the world is awash in it. It is the Technocrat's tool to achieve the original call of Technocracy for the "Science of Social Engineering". If you don't understand the manipulative power and application of propaganda in today's world, then you don't understand anything about the advancement of Technocracy.

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DHS Setting up New ‘Disinformation Governance Board’

As fast as you can say "Ministry of Truth" from Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, it shows up just like that. The DHS has never limited it activities to foreign targets, and will certainly turn this into an official instrument of government censorship. The Ministry of Truth had three slogans: WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.

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