
AI ‘Deity’ To Preach Buddhism In Japanese Temple

Robots have many uses in Japan, from 'comforting the sick and aged, and disposing of hazardous nuclear waste' to preaching Buddhism in the pulpit. Technocrat inventors think this is a wonderful advancement for humanity. Really?

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Chinese Authorities ‘Routinely Target Churches, Destroy Crosses, Burn Bibles And Arrest Pastors’

Technocracy and Christianity are polar opposites. Technocracy insists on conformity to scientific dictates while Christians follow Romans 12:2, to "be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." As the severity of persecution increases in China, house churches are springing up everywhere, further aggravating Technocrats.

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Pope Francis’ Bait And Switch: Traditional Theology For Global Warming

Millions of Catholics are perplexed and disillusioned by Pope Francis' rejection of traditional church theology in favor of the radical environmentalism of global warming and the U.N.'s Sustainable Development. Also, his dedication to Communist theology is clearly seen by the symbol worn around his neck: Jesus crucified upon the hammer and sickle of the former USSR.

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