
Sheikh Zayed: Islam’s Deep Roots In Sustainable Development

Sheikh Zayed, father of the UAE, was an early adopter of environmental practices, indicating the compatibility between sustainable development and the Koran. This affinity may be one reason why Adolf Hitler (a radical 'green') had a such a robust relationship with the Islamic world during WWII. In other words, their mutual hatred of Jews may have a reason, but not the only reason for their mutual attraction.

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Silicon Valley Techs Turns to Eastern Mysticism To Sooth Their Troubled Consciences

Deep down, Technocrats know that they are sending humanity into a gulag of Scientific Dictatorship, and as a result, their conscience is pained. However, instead of turning to orthodox solutions like counseling, ethical discussion or traditional Western religion, they are turning to Eastern mysticism for answers. They get naked, practice mindfulness and chakra meditation, and meet their 'inner net'. 

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Scientists: LSD And Magic Mushrooms For End-Of-Life Patients

Hallucinogenic drugs sought provide non-Biblical answers to questions like who we are, why are we here and where are we going. Traditionally, Christianity has provided these answers. Technocrat scientists and physicians want to equip hospice caregivers with both psilocybin and LSD to deliver alternate answers to end-of-life patients.

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Ex-Google Executive Registers First Church Of AI With IRS

Scientism is a religion started in the early 1800's by French philosopher Henri de Saint-Simon, who called for a priesthood of engineers and scientists to administrate humanity. Both Technocracy and Transhumanism have deep roots in Scientism, so it isn't surprising to see modern adherents trying to create a godhead out of Artificial Intelligence.

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The New Religions Obsessed with AI

Over the millennia, mankind has worshipped the sun, molten and carved idols, other men, animals and rocks; now, AI enters as the latest contender for man's worshipful attention, and it's growing in stature.

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