
Joe Allen: Vaxxbots Are A Virus Of The Mind

Joe Allen knows a lot about Transhumanism and the technology being used to further its assertions. In his progression of research, he has examined just about every anti-vaxx "conspiracy theory" that has been conjured up explaining what the elitists are doing to humanity. Wild assertions, easy as they are to conjure up, simply do not make for correct understanding. We should stand on what we know, not on vain speculations.

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Solari Report: Ways To Stop Central Bank Digital Currencies

CBDCs are in the works, but transparency and mass action can throw a huge monkey wrench into their implementation. The Solari Report offers a few concrete steps people can take, with the most important being to increase the use of cash while explaining to recipients why cash is endangered and what they can do about it.

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“Demonized” ESG Narrative Is Finally Getting To Blackrock’s Larry Fink

Larry Fink will ultimately give up on "ESG investing" or the market will grind him and his Blackrock behemoth into powder. When states like Florida pull all investments worth $2 billion from Blackrock, it hurts. Fink, whose ego is as big as the solar system, views such actions as "demonizing the issues" and "personal attacks".

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Brits Are Protesting 15-Minute Cities To Avoid Becoming Prisoners Of The State

A 15-minute city means everything you have to (or can do) exists within 15 minutes from where you live. People are seeing it as a virtual gulag where confinement is monitored with geo-fencing, smart phones and panopticon-style surveillance. Also perceived is the inability (or great difficulty) to escape from your assigned 15-minute neighborhood. Globalists and Technocrats are thrilled at the prospect.

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Hohmann: New Lessons For Today In Mel Gibson’s Iconic Portrayal Of ‘The Patriot’

2023 may be the year where you must choose which side of good or evil you are on. All anonymity will be gone and you will be exposed for where you are. Gone are the days of sitting on the fence, hoping that evil doesn't come for you. Will you stand and deliver for truth? Or will you shrink into inglorious submission to the enemy?

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Stanford Professor Declares: “Academic Freedom Is Dead”

The lunatics are running the asylum and are obsessed with destroying everything they touch, including science itself. This is why the title of my new book is "The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism". Their policies and actions are anti-human, anti-civilization and anti-God. Dr. Jay is right: "Academic freedom is dead."

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New Alberta Premier Refuses To Associate With World Economic Forum

As some leaders are shaking off the deleterious aftermath of COVID mania, they are waking up to the fraud and manipulation by the World Economic Forum. Alberta's new premier has rejected association with the WEF and for good reason: they have done nothing useful for Alberta and have caused a lot of damage along the way. This rejection needs to go global.

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Missouri Yanks $500 Million In Pension Funds From Blackrock

The head of Blackrock, Larry Fink, is a member of the Trilateral Commission and totally dedicated to the Great Reset, Carbon Zero and, Technocracy. Investors are realizing that Blackrock's policy is not to maximize shareholder value, but to use ESG to force compliance with the Technocrat agenda. Three cheers for Missouri for yanking their pension funds.

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80 Anti-Vaccine Bills Have Been Introduced In State Legislatures

A wall of legislation is working its way through state legislatures to limit mRNA experimental injections being presented as vaccines. Technocrats at vax makers are trying to re-dominate the narrative to maximize shots for the coming winter. The public isn't buying it because it is waking up to the reality of damage being inflicted.

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