
Big Wind, Big Fail In Hawaii’s Lanai Paradise

The power of just saying "No!" is powerful and effective, but only if it is said. Do not comply, do not submit, do not "go along to get along". Citizens in local communities have tremendous power over their future if they would just stand up and get involved. Complaining after the fact doesn't cut it.

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Facebook Unlike: Users Flee, Sales Drop, Scramble For Relevance

Mark Zuckerberg is having a hard 2022. His personal fortune has dropped precipitously and social media in general is running into a wall. Some call it "social media fatigue", but users are finding out that they really can do without Facebook and save themselves a lot of stress and drama.

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Lawsuit Grows Against Biden Administration Over Big Tech Censorship Collusion

The Biden Administration has been fully exposed on its collusion with Big Tech to censor its political opponents. The founders of the Great Barrington Declaration have joined the lawsuit filed by the AGs of Missouri and Louisiana against the Biden Administration. Their evidence is much more than just a smoking gun. 

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Vera Sharav: “Unless All Of Us Resist, ‘Never Again’ Is Now!”

Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, posted the full speech given by Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav. This is an epic warning to the world that if not heeded, will spell the end of the world as we have known it. The time to take action is not tomorrow, next month or when you get around to it. The time is NOW!

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Legal Bombshell: $10 Million Legal Settlement To Healthcare Workers Who Were Forced To Take mRNA Jab

It's not exactly a windfall for the plaintiffs, but it opens hunting season for all organizations who forced employees or students to take experimental mRNA injections. Once lawyers smell the money, there will be a tsunami of lawsuits to break authoritarian perpetrators.

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Stupid Personified: Collect And Bury CO2 With 1,300 Mile Pipeline

This is a story of citizen resistance to the insanity of burying carbon dioxide, disrupting large swaths of farming operations and seriously harming local growth of plants that require CO2 for photosynthesis. These policies are anti-human and anti-civilization because CO2 is as important as is the oxygen we breath. The pressure for human depopulation rests on this same premise: humans exhale CO2.

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Head Of Lancet’s COVID-19 Origins Commission Blows Whistle

Piece by piece the Big Pharma/globalist narrative is unwinding as scientists with important positions within the system are crying foul. In this case, Professor Jeffrey Sachs warns that government must demand and enforce transparency from biodefense labs engaging in gain of function research.

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‘Anything But A Cashless Society’: UK Consumers Defy Banks’ War On Cash

The more you resist plastic credit cards in favor of cash, you are contributing to the worldwide resistance against total bank control. While cash may be less convenient for some, it stymies global banks, central banks, the Bank for International Settlements and the World Economic Forum. Whenever you pay in cash, tell the receiver why you are doing so and encourage them to do the same.

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