
The Humanoid Invasion Is Coming, Like It Or Not!

With AI and industrial robots cometh the humanoids. Elon Musk is in a race with China to see who will lead the world in mass production. Powered by AI, they will be super-capable to step into roles like caregiver, nanny, medical assistant, robocop, para-legal, sex surrogate and more. Technocrats build because they can, not because there is a moral or ethical mandate to do so. As such, they are on a trajectory to destroy what it means to be human.

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Elon Musk: Here Comes ‘Optimus’

Musk the Technocrat has disrupted the world of autos, space travel, communication (Starlink) and now robotics. Has the age of humanoid robots arrived? Will they better or worsen the human condition or life on earth? One thing is certain: they will potentially displace millions of workers in the future.

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