
Technocracy’s Hidden Agenda For Total Domination

Prince Micheal opines about "peacefully forcing technocratic systems to change." However, this is wishful thinking because tyrants and tyranny never retreat. Like Star Trek's Borg race that repeatedly warned, "Resistance is futile!" as it subsumed all living beings into the hive-mind.

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China’s Plan To Build Global Technocracy Using Artificial Intelligence

This 12,000-word tome is straight from the official Chinese website, and it gives marching orders to every corner of the country to use AI to implement Technocracy in China and beyond: Smart Cities, Smart Agriculture, Smart Society, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Healthcare, Smart Economy, Smart Robots, Smart Transportation, Smart IoT, Smart Finance, Smart Logistics, Smart Homes, Smart Education, Smart Government, Smart Courts, and more.

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Leading Chinese Scholar Lists The Benefits Of Technocracy In China

Inside China, there is a candid and robust discussion about Technocracy and its implementation. In the West, hardly anyone sees China in this light. Sun Tsu wrote in The Art of War, "If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." This is why China will continue to steamroll over the West.

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IPCC Scientists Demand Dictatorial Powers Over Climate Change Polices

That a single group of deluded technocrat scientists should declare themselves to be the sole enforcers of their own crackpot "science" is patently insane. If they are not summarily stopped, it will give them the dictatorial power to implement every facet of Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, Global Biodiversity Assessment, etc.; in other words, it will be a total scientific dictatorship.

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Eric Schmidt: AI Guardrails “Aren’t Enough” To Prevent Harm To Humanity

Trilateral Commission member and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is a master Technocrat in the truest sense of the word. He was one of the pioneers of AI at Google, the inventor of "Surveillance Capitalism," and is now heir-apparent to fellow Trilateral Commissioner Henry Kissinger. Schmidt is the pied piper of AI, singing praises on the one hand while warning of dire consequences to humanity on the other. This is globalist snake oil.

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On Technocracy: Why We Are Sleepwalking Into Tyranny

As reality slips away, you see can the simulacrum forming and sucking millions of people into the vortex. The progress of a simulacrum is that it starts with a reflection of a profound reality, then masks it, and then unties it from reality entirely. Thus, a simulacrum is anti-realty. When people enter into this "Twilight Zone" state, you can lie to them with impunity and they won't know the difference.

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‘We The Exploited’: Slouching Toward ‘Soylent Green’

John Whitehead clearly explains the nuts and bolts of Scientific Dictatorship and the digital panopticon that provides the control grid. However, the government is the patsy of Big Tech, which is the driving force for Technocracy. You will see how we are commodified, molded, and compressed into products that are then fed back to ourselves... like Soylent Green.

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Chairman Xi Coming To San Fransisco To Wine And Dine With Elon Musk, Other Oligarchs

There is a big thaw in China relations. Why would XI risk WWIII when he can take us from within without firing a shot? China is a Technocracy that panders to Technocrats. Technocrats pander to China. When Zbigniew Brzezinski pandered to Chairman Deng Xiaoping in 1974, he taught him about the merits of Technocracy. Given Musk's family ties to Technocracy in the 1930s, it is obvious why he wants to pander to Xi. There's a lot of pandering going on. Chinese citizens should call their dear leader - "Pander Bear."

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UN & Bill Gates Team Up To Create “50-In-5” Digital Panopticon

A digital prison for humanity? This was encoded in the Technocracy Course in 1934, and the technology has caught up to their lofty aspirations.  There were only seven requirements for Technocracy. Here are 3,4,5: 3) "Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption"; 4) "Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used"; 5) "Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual."

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Elon Musk: The ‘Age Of Abundance’, UBI And Technocracy

Elon Musk is a plagiarist and huckster for Technocracy, period. Age of abundance? Universal Basic Income? These concepts arrived in the early 1930s, when Musk's grandfather (Dr. Joshua Haldeman) was the head of the Technocracy movement in Canada. People in the 1930s and 1940s quickly figured out that there was no such as a free lunch and threw Technocracy in the trash bin of history, where it belonged. Now, the world has disguised it, given it a new suit of clothes, and called it revolutionary new thinking. Bottom line: Don't be a sucker!

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