
Flashback 2020: Technocracy And The Great Reset

I will continue to say this: Until people figure out who the enemy is, there will be no resistance. Because Technocrats move forward wrapped in a simulacrum (anti-reality), everything that they touch (reality) is destroyed: national borders, immigration, and culture. Now the world seems headed to WIII?

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Technocrats In The European Union Quietly Roll Out Identity Wallet

Global Technocrats have sparked a stampede for digital ids for every person on earth. One research organization forecasts that governments will have issued 5 billion digital ID credentials by the end 2024, or 62.5 percent of the global population. By 2030, this will likely approach 90 percent. This will enable them to cut off all dissenters by denying access to services such as finance, government services, travel, etc. 

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The Great AI Invasion: Technocracy’s Final Solution

Who do you think is pushing the AI invasion? Technocrats and nobody but Technocrats. Altman, Musk, Google, Microsoft, etc. These megalomanic titans have only one goal: the domination of the human race via Scientific Dictatorship. Technocrats have continuously lived in a simulacrum since the 1930s, and they are spreading it everywhere.

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15-Minute City: This Statement Should Be Read At Every City Council Meeting In America

After this statement that "schooled" the entire city council in Aurora, ON, notice the spontaneous standing ovation with wild cheering that lasted over 30 seconds. Do you think the citizens got it? Most of the council members look like deer caught in the headlights. I am honored that my work on Technocracy is cited here. Most Canadians understand Technocracy better than their American counterparts.

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Technocracy: Digital Public Infrastructure For “One Earth, One Family, One Future”

According to the UN, "Digital public infrastructure (DPI) has emerged as a critical enabler of digital transformation and can turbocharge progress to deliver on the SDGs." Technocracy is coming full circle now by requiring a common identity to track everything that is made or consumed. If you fail to understand this, you're fate may already be sealed.

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First Personalty Profile Of Elon Musk By Friend And Confidant, Niall Ferguson

Niall Ferguson is an imminent historian with the Hoover Institution at Stanford and is a close personal friend of Elon Musk. Who better to profile Musk than a historian? Ferguson states, "I have long said he is the Napoleon Bonaparte of our times. Walter Isaacson’s new biography, based on two years of shadowing Musk, reaches a similar conclusion." If you want to know what this Technocrat ticks, read this article word-for-word!

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The Tyranny Of Technocracy And The Religion of Masking

Technocracy claims that it is the "Science of Social Engineering". Technocrats turned to religious practices where face masks were common, then they weaponized the practice across all religions. This served to suppress free speech (i.e., don't talk about technocrats) and to force submissive behavior on those who were too gullible to go along with it. This was a brilliant strategy, if patently evil. When you see this, you will never fall for it again. Free people do not wear masks!

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The Silicon Valley Technocrats Who Want to Build a City From Scratch

These billionaire Technocrats apparently see the need to separate themselves from society. This a troubling trend. Several other "technates" have been previously announced and are scattered around the world. These are not just mere "smart cities" but rather for Technocrats' own occupation. Technocrats build where is no mandate to do so.

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Four Billionaire Technocrats Are Creating An Alternate, Autocratic Reality

On your short-list for books this year: The End of Reality:How Four Billionaires are Selling a Fantasy Future of the Metaverse, Mars, and Crypto. Author Jonathan Taplin strikes the hammer to nail Technocracy and Transhumanism to the prime actors: Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Marc Andreessen. These billionaires represent the tip of the spear. 

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The Coming Death Throes Of Capitalism And Free Market Economics

Technocracy cannot flourish until capitalism and free market economics die a permanent death. Thus, there is an unprecedented moral hazard to give Humpty Dumpty a good push off the wall. The Great Reset, Sustainable Development, Green New Deal, etc., are all positioned to destroy our prevailing economic system.

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