
The Tyranny Of Technocracy And The Religion of Masking

Technocracy claims that it is the "Science of Social Engineering". Technocrats turned to religious practices where face masks were common, then they weaponized the practice across all religions. This served to suppress free speech (i.e., don't talk about technocrats) and to force submissive behavior on those who were too gullible to go along with it. This was a brilliant strategy, if patently evil. When you see this, you will never fall for it again. Free people do not wear masks!

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The Silicon Valley Technocrats Who Want to Build a City From Scratch

These billionaire Technocrats apparently see the need to separate themselves from society. This a troubling trend. Several other "technates" have been previously announced and are scattered around the world. These are not just mere "smart cities" but rather for Technocrats' own occupation. Technocrats build where is no mandate to do so.

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Four Billionaire Technocrats Are Creating An Alternate, Autocratic Reality

On your short-list for books this year: The End of Reality:How Four Billionaires are Selling a Fantasy Future of the Metaverse, Mars, and Crypto. Author Jonathan Taplin strikes the hammer to nail Technocracy and Transhumanism to the prime actors: Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Marc Andreessen. These billionaires represent the tip of the spear. 

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The Coming Death Throes Of Capitalism And Free Market Economics

Technocracy cannot flourish until capitalism and free market economics die a permanent death. Thus, there is an unprecedented moral hazard to give Humpty Dumpty a good push off the wall. The Great Reset, Sustainable Development, Green New Deal, etc., are all positioned to destroy our prevailing economic system.

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Nordangård: Transitioning to a New Global Order

At the genesis of modern globalization In 1973, the Trilateral Commission posited that "interdependence" of nations was inevitable, and then pushed it everywhere. Now, the same cabal says that nation states are unable to cope with the interconnected global problems on their own; hence, nobody except the United Nations can head global governance. 

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Former European Politician And Diplomat Blasts Technocracy And Transhumanism

An enclave of resistance in eastern Europe is gaining traction with a major conference in September. My three books on Technocracy and Transhumanism have emerged at the center of the resistance, and I have been invited to make a presentation. Technocracy and Transhumanism are anti-human and anti-civilizational and are waging a winner-takes-all battle against the entire planet. This is the clear and present danger we face.

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Nazi Albert Speer Warned The West About The Rise Of Technocracy

The Nazi relationship with Technocracy was far deeper than noted here. which I covered in my three books on historic Technocracy. Technocrats never represented political ideology such as left or right, but rather wanted to remove the political layer of society altogether. Many Technocrats entered the Nazi regime as well as FDR's era of the New Deal.

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Mining Cobalt Sacrifices African Children On The Green Altar Of Technocracy

The utter hypocrisy of Technocrats is astounding. The UN's SDGs promise to save the world's children and yet actual policies do just the opposite. Children are the most vulnerable group on earth because they are not able to defend themselves. Thus, they are trafficked, sexually exploited, injected, marginalized and in Africa, forced to work in harsh mining operations, such as cobalt mines. The depravity of man has no limits.

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Derrick Broze Exposes The Technocratic State With Patrick Wood

Author and researcher Derrick Broze absolutely nails Technocracy to the wall. This is Chapter 13 of his book, How to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State, and is accompanied by an excellent 34 documentary that explains every facet, from the 1930s through today. This is a must-read article and a must-view documentary. Please share widely.

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Transhumanism & Technocracy are Evil Twins, Says Expert Patrick Wood

International journalist Alex Newman recently interviewed author Patrick Wood and the video is definitely worth watching. Transhumanism and its exposé may be the main topic of the 2024 election cycle, thanks in part to the Democrat candidacy of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. who is outspoken about Big Pharma and the biodefense industry.

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