
Will You? The Brain-Computer Interface Is Already Here

Beware the dangers of transhumanism and the merging of human flesh and technology. Don't expect transhumanism to be aligned with any political ideology, whether left or right. It is apolitical and very closely aligned with Technocracy. BCI is only one aspect; genetic engineering is another.

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Brains Transformed: How Primitive Pixels Evolved into Biodigital Brains

Evil does not reside in the atomic structures of technology, but rather in the heart of man. Whatever means, whatever discoveries, whatever available resources, will always be appropriated by evil men to do evil things. Transhumanism is no different except that it will leave its followers disgruntled, dismayed and permanently damaged.

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6G, Internet Of Bodies: Globalists Won’t Stop Hacking Humans

If you think 5G is bad, you won't want to know about 6G, which will introduce the Internet of Bodies (IoB), potentially tying all humans into a global "hive mind". Unproductive members who do nothing but consume "precious" resources, will be targeted for removal; the ultimate technocrat reasoning is that humans and all other resources are on the same level. Thus, cutting back on humans is no different than cutting down trees in the forest.

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WEF Strategy: Young Global Leaders, Global Shapers, New Champions

The World Economic Forum is creating a tsunami of activists and operatives who are brainwashed with the dogma of  Transhumanism and Technocracy, and preaching the gospel of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They march to the lyrics of Schwab's book, The Great Narrative. This is the largest and most widespread delusion in history.

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Synthetic Salvation: On Genomics, Mind Uploads, and the Quest for Immortality

Elitists want to live forever but common folk will die and end up as rich compost. Transhumanism and Technocracy are evil twins that are currently in control of the global narrative, policies and outcomes. They must be rejected before they do permanent damage to humans and the planet we live on.

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Hohmann: Is Transhumanism The New One-World Religion?

Transhumanism, like Technocracy, sits on top of Scientism, or the worship of science. In parallel manner, both Catholicism and Protestantism are based on Christianity. There are significant differences, but the common root is easily recognized. Biden has now institutionalized Transhumanism in America, creating a state religion to whom all others will now answer.

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Whole-Of-Government EO Begins: FDA Embraces Transhumanist Narrative On Latest COVID Shots

Biden's National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative Executive Order directs all agencies to promote transhumanism. The FDA wasted no time. Future genetic modification drugs will bypass testing to go directly to public consumption. This current campaign to "recharge your immunity" is grooming the public to ignore adverse advents.

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Forget Politician Puppets: It’s The Global Technocracy That Must Be Broken

Technocracy cannot be broken from the top down. It must be broken from the bottom up, in local communities where you live. Even though the "system" is orchestrated from the top, all the expression of it winds up being local. People around the world are beginning to get this and are taking action where they live.

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Steve Bannon: Jared Kushner Is Transhumanist, Rushed ‘Experimental Gene Therapy/Vaccine’ In Bid For Immortality

Jared Kushner clearly identifies himself as a Transhumanist who seeks immortality through science, and it is now clear why he should get the major credit for railroading Operation Warp Speed in a quest to accelerate H+, or Humans 2.0. Transhumanism is the most dangerous religion the world has ever known.

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How The World Economic Forum Promotes Transhumanism

The World Economic Forum promotes the Great Reset in two parts: Technocracy that transforms society, economics and politics and Transhumanism that creates H+ or Humanity 2.0. This is the heartbeat of Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution: immortal gods living in perpetual Utopia.

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