Trilateral Commission

Trilateral Anthony Blinken Does Not Commit To Submitting W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty To Senate For Confirmation

Since 1973, eleven of the sixteen Secretaries of State have been members of the Trilateral Commission—almost seventy percent! The rest were closely aligned with the Commission. The current Secretary is Trilateral Anthony Blinken. This article hints at Blinken's intention: HE WILL NOT SUBMIT the WHO "treaty" to the Senate for 2/3 confirmation. Why not? It's not Trilateral policy!

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Neera Tanden Will Replace Trilateral Susan Rice As Domestic Policy Czar

Susan Rice was point person for the Trilateral Commission in Biden's White House. She is now replaced by an equally nefarious character, Nerra Tanden, who formerly served as President of the Center for American Progress (CAP). CAP was founded by Trilateral Commission member John Podesta, who is also serving in the inner court of the current Biden Administration.

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