Trilateral Commission

Google’s Deep Relationship With China Spells Technocracy

Eric Schmidt runs Alphabet, Inc, which is Google's parent company. Schmidt is a member of the elite Trilateral Commission that has groomed China since 1976 to be a Technocracy that will dominate the world. Thus, we can expect Google's involvement in China to be deeply transformational - and, in fact, it is!

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Diane Feinstein’s Deep Relationship To China

Sen. Diane Feinstein, a long-time member of the elitist Trilateral Commission, has been in bed with China since at least 1979 when co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski put China back on the world map. The Feinstein's have gotten rich because as TC members transformed China into a Technocracy and the into economic giant that it is today. As a U.S. Senator since 1992 and Chairman of the Select Committee on Intelligence from 2009-2015, she has reserved herself a special place in the afterlife with both Brzezinski and David Rockefeller.

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Sen. Diane Feinstein Employed Chinese Spy As Personal Driver For 20 Years

Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA) was a long-time member of the Trilateral Commission and a consummate insider and globalist. Zbigniew Brzezinski, co-founder of the Commission with David Rockefeller, was responsible for bringing China back to the world stage in 1976, and then rebuilding it into the Technocracy that it is today. Her husband has become fabulously wealthy because of these connections. Could Feinstein be ignorant of this? Not a chance. Because this backstory is not widely known, radio commentators like Mark Levin totally miss the seriousness of the situation.

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Trilateral Commission: 5G Technology Will Be The Backbone Of Smart Cities

Gen. James Jones is a member of the Trilateral Commission and was President Obama's first National Security Advisor (NSA). He never used computers at the White House because they were not secure, but for us, somehow 5G is going to be secure as it lights up Smart Cities and autonomous driving? Consider the source: the Trilateral Commission has been the primary actor in pushing modern Technocracy since its inception in 1973.

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Trilateral Commission Member Joseph Nye Speaks Out On China, Asia

When Nye states, "Contrary to conspiracy theories, the Commission has little power", he is speaking of this writer's seminal works Trilaterals Over Washington, Vol. I and II, co-authored with the late Professor Antony Sutton. The Trilateral Commission and its members stand naked before the clear documentation of history, and no amount of self-effacing rhetoric will erase that.

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