Universal Basic Income

Stockton, CA Fights Poverty With Guaranteed Basic Income

Stockton, California has been in and out of bankruptcy but now sees the light on solving its large homeless problem: simply give taxpayer money away to all of them ala Technocracy's "Universal Basic Income". This is a localized version of wealth re-distribution and is all but guaranteed to throw the city back into bankruptcy.

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Gallup: 48% Of Americans Now Support Universal Basic Income

Technocrat propaganda is a sweeping success in America as citizens stampede toward 'free cash', or Universal Basic Income (UBI). This concept has been spread by Technocrats such as billionaire Richard Branson, Y Combinator, Elon Musk,  Google, and other Silicon Valley moguls.

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Richard Branson: AI Is Going To Eliminate Jobs And Free Cash Handouts Will Be Necessary

Billionaire Richard Branson is now lobbying for Universal Basic Income because of the Technocrat onslaught of AI coupled with the lie that AI is the default future of humanity. In short, it is not. UBI will enslave humans and lock them into a permanent class of impoverished unemployables.

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One Year On: Is Finland’s Universal Basic Income Experiment Working?

The only people who think that Finland's UBI experiment has any value, are the ideologues who dreamed it up in the first place. Technocrats from Big Tech companies are pushing UBI around the world as a say to mollify displaced workers who have been pushed out of the workforce by robots.

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The Death Of Work: More Calls For Universal Basic Income

The concept of UBI is as fantastical as the notion that it's OK to create a new class of unemployables by displacing them with robotic counterparts. It isn't OK, and it will create a horrific Scientific Dictatorship. However, this is the mind of a Technocrat and the goal of Technocracy. Calls for UBI will not go away until people begin to confront these issues head-on.

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Richest Silicon Valley Execs Push Universal Basic Income To Eliminate Poverty

Sam Altman ran an experiment to give 200 people a basic income, to see what they would do with it; now he wants government to give free money to all poor people. This meme is gathering steam around the world, being pushed the hardest by billionaires. These are the same billionaires who will exploit everyone in their path while avoiding taxes at all costs. 

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Billionaire Richard Branson Joins Technocrat Siren Call For Universal Basic Income

Branson visited The Elders, a small and self-appointed group of Technocrats that includes four members of the Trilateral Commission. The Elders are instrumental in the genesis of UBI. Keep in mind that the Trilateral Commission fed Agenda 21/Sustainable Development to the United Nations in 1992 as Agenda 21. The UN and others credit Gro Harlem Brundtland as the creator of Agenda 21; she is a member of The Elders and also a member of the Trilateral Commission.

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