
Chairman Xi Coming To San Fransisco To Wine And Dine With Elon Musk, Other Oligarchs

There is a big thaw in China relations. Why would XI risk WWIII when he can take us from within without firing a shot? China is a Technocracy that panders to Technocrats. Technocrats pander to China. When Zbigniew Brzezinski pandered to Chairman Deng Xiaoping in 1974, he taught him about the merits of Technocracy. Given Musk's family ties to Technocracy in the 1930s, it is obvious why he wants to pander to Xi. There's a lot of pandering going on. Chinese citizens should call their dear leader - "Pander Bear."

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RFK, Jr. Blasts Public Health Agencies For Endorsing Mass Lockdowns

As TN declared in early 2019, Technocracy's coup d'état started with the release of COVID-19. It was a complex and vicious attack on human liberty all over the world. Thus far, the only U.S. presidential candidate who has launched a counter-attack is RFK, Jr. No other candidate, including Donald Trump, has spoken so forcefully against the pincers of globalization: the biosecurity state and rampant censorship.

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Just What Was Henry “Old Friend Of China” Kissinger Doing With Chairman Xi?

When Trilateral Commission sage Kissinger shows up in unexpected places, we should look closely to see what this 100 year-old snake is up to. This was not an official visit, but remember, it was Kissinger in 1972 who thawed relations with China, which made it possible for Zbigniew Brzezinski to induct them into the modern world in 1976- and subsequently feed them Technocracy's dogma to build a giant global octopus.

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Biden Launches Permanent ‘Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy’

The Military/Industrial/Biosecurity cartel scored a major victory with the establishment of a permanent Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy". The first pandemic tsar to head the new agency is Maj. Gen. (Ret.) Paul Friedrichs. Manufacturer of COVID-19 mRNA injections: Military. Delivery of shots to America: Military (Operation Warp Speed). Enforcement of future pandemic policies: Military. Do you see a trend here? 

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As Russia Targets Food And Water, Is The Holodomor About To Repeat In Ukraine?

In 1932-1933, the USSR attacked Ukraine by disrupting its food supply. The historical article below gives the grizzly details of the genocidal campaign that caused the death of at least 4 million people. It was called Holodomor, or "death by starvation". As Russia today targets agriculture and water in Ukraine, questions are rising: It a repeat of history taking place?

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Shock: Top Insurance Analyst Says 600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots

The global war being prosecuted by proponents of Technocracy is validated by the pileup of dead bodies. It simply cannot be argued that these excess deaths are just coincidental or due to bad luck within Big Pharma. Rather, the world is being brazenly assaulted. The fact that mRNA vaccine programs are not being halted is proof of malicious intent.

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TransHuman/Machine Fusion For Cyborg Soldier By 2050

The military created the Internet and still controls it, hiding in plain sight. The military sparked Transhumanist technologies (NBIC) in the 1990s to produce "supermen" fighting machines to dominate the war field.  "genetic engineering, synthetic biology, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, or any number of emerging technologies."

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Post-Covid: Twelve Challenges For A Shattered World

Technocracy's main assault on humanity started with the "Great Panic of 2020" and it left a shattered world. The war is far from over and the enemy will to whatever it takes to widen the divisions and inflict more damage. Thanks to non-stop propaganda, the masses are looking elsewhere for solutions. Addressing these 12 challenges is essential, but only in the context of this ongoing war.

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Insanity: Biden Energy Secretary Wants All US Military Vehicles To Be Electric By 2030

Considering the vast number of U.S. military vehicles around the world, Biden's Secretary of Energy thinks that we can just rebuild the entire empire with electric vehicles instead - in just 7 years. If war breaks out, the military would have to ask for a timeout to install charging stations on the enemy's battlefield.

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Farmers Furious As Environmentalists Escalate War On Food

Technocracy's war on food is persistent, crushing and totally mean-spirited. It has nothing to do with "saving the environment" or preventing global warming, but rather seeks population reduction and subjugation. The EU, an emerging Technocracy itself, is spearheading this assault on food and farmers in general.

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