
Scientists Urgently Call For Ban On Killer Robots

Technocrats build because they can, not because of a pressing social need and thus, autonomous killer robots are soon to be a household name. The video below is fictional, but the technology is thoroughly plausible. Since military and police forces are already investing heavily in this type of technology, it is certain to be in the hands of criminals and terrorists at some point.

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Russia’s New Robot Tank Will Outperform Humans

Once standardized, these robots could roll off assembly lines like automobiles; their application on the battlefield will automate the killing of humans by an order of magnitude over WWI and WWII. Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is a need.

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Homeland Security Warns Of Weaponized Drones And Aviation Threats

Weaponized drones in the hands of terrorists are frightening, but remember that it was the Technocrat-heavy military establishment that developed the technology in the first place. This has sparked a massive arms race throughout the world, and is naturally trickling down to terrorists.

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The Future Of US Military: A Giant, Armed Nervous System

The global battlefield will radically change as the military connects every conceivable asset and enemy in the world. In other words, it will be a 'giant, armed nervous system.' This is the same Technocrat dream for society as a whole where everything is interconnected to mimic a human nervous system.

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American War Zone: Military Drones To Replace Police Helicopters By 2025

The green light is on for military drone makers to transform America's police force into a military complex similar to Afghanistan. Comprehensive geospatial intelligence will become ubiquitous, tracking every moving object on the ground. They will be equipped with super-high resolution cameras and AI-based facial recognition systems that will be able to identify a mole on your left cheek. License plate readers? Child's play. This is no longer an argument over privacy, it is now an argument over total suppression of freedom and liberty. In Technocracy language, it is the ultimate in Scientific Dictatorship.

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