
Top US General Warns Against Rogue Killer Robots

Hat tip to Gen. Paul Selva for bringing ethics into the argument to not give the military autonomous killing robots. However, he acknowledges the infighting within the military over the issue and describes it as 'raucous'.  This is a battle between Technocrats and non-Technocrats.

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Jack Ma: Rapidly Rising Technology Could Easily Lead To WWIII

Ma runs Alibaba, China's equivalent of Amazon, and is one of the richest men in the world. He concludes that if nothing is done to prevent it, we are headed to WWIII. Ma does not regret being part of the Technocracy that brought us to this point, but apparently he is scaring himself along with everyone else. 

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More Hack Attacks Coming As Microsoft Slams Government Secrecy

The NSA discovered how to secretly hack Windows, but didn't tell anyone. When the hack was leaked, real hackers jumped on it and turned the world upside-down. This means the the NSA is a 'Black-Hat" hacker. White-Hat hackers have a moral code of ethics to always disclose a known vulnerability as soon as it is discovered. Technocrats at the NSA see no need for disclosure of any kind, and will likely never be held accountable for the billions in damages caused by the Wannacry ransomeware virus.

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