
Peer-Reviewed Study: 94% Of Vaccinated Patients With Subsequent Health Issues Have Abnormal Blood

With every released study like this one, it is more apparent that the mRNA vaccines are behaving like a bioweapon designed to do harm to the human body. mRNA vaccines have already been shown to be useless in stoping or mitigating Sars-CoV-2, This is a marker of war being prosecuted against humanity.

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Whitehead: Who Will Protect Us From Government’s Standing Army?

On Thursday, August 20, 2022, President Biden laid bare the government threat: "And for those brave right-wing Americans who say it’s all about keeping Americans independent and safe, you want to fight against the country? You need an F-15, you need something a little more than a gun."

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Energy Crisis: Thousands Of UK Firms Could Collapse And Disappear

Economic destruction is the certain outcome of energy shortages. This is piled on top of economic destruction seen from 2020-2022 COVID lockdowns. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum continues to blather on about the benefits of the Great Reset and Build Back Better. The problem is that millions could die in the process while no one is held accountable. This is the heartbeat of Technocracy and it is coming fast.

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Russian Arms Fair: Robot Dog Equipped With RPG Launcher

The robotic arms race is in full swing. This robotic dog is equipped with an RPG launcher and is "dressed" like a Ninja. This follows models equipped with high-powered rifles and machine guns. Since Russia and China are producing weaponized robots, there is no reason the think the US isn't doing the same things.

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Military Creates Its Own Metaverse, Seeks Digital Twin Of Earth

A digital twin is a digital representation of a real-world entity or system. The civilian metaverse will not require exact representation of the real world, but the military will. Thus, battles can be fought in the military metaverse with total precision and acclimation. Ultimately, the military is seeking a complete digital twin of the entire planet.

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Catherine Austin Fitts: We Are At War With The Deep State

As the world increasingly wakes up to the war against humanity, people will turn the Great Reset into the Great Resist. As with any war, there are already casualties and destruction of property, but that is the price of liberty for those who remain afterwards. Technocracy cannot stand on its own, but it can cause a lot of havoc in the meantime.

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Mercola: Monkeypox Declared A Public Health Emergency

The details of skulduggery with Big Pharma, the corrupt World Health Organization and various secret research labs will be debated for a long time. The real concern should be that creating synthetic viruses in a lab is tantamount to creating the atomic bomb. When a deadly virus can be modeled on a computer screen and then turned into the actual pathogen, all that remains to ask is how soon will the military get ahold of it and how soon will they use it?

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Ships Sit Afar: Disrupting The Enemy’s Supply Chain Is An Age-Old Military Tactic

The nation's critical supply chain consists of ships, trucks, rail and air, all of which are suffering from failures and delays. Air transport can't find enough pilots. Trains are faltering. Truckers are going out of business. Ships are stacked up waiting for port loading/unloading. While some of the problems are naturally occurring, the whole system is being pushed over the edge by climate insanity.

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Climate Madness: Destroying The Enemy’s Food Supply Is An Age-Old Military Tactic

Farmers have been declared to be the scapegoats of the mass formation of global warming loons and destroying food production is at the top of their list. Any nation that has bought into this madness is attacking the very means of our survival - food. The world is at war but nobody is crying out. ⁃

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Eric Schmidt: AI Is As Powerful As Nukes

Eric Schmidt is a top global technocrat and heir apparent of Henry Kissinger, both members of the elitist Trilateral Commission that is the headwaters of modern Technocracy. To compare AI to nuclear bombs is a misnomer because nuclear bombs actually destroy matter while AI is still struggling to drive a car in a straight line. Is Schmidt signaling that AI will become a weapon of mass destruction?

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