
Fully Vaxxed Are Three Times More Likely To Die From COVID

Crimes against humanity are being played out in plain sight. Big Pharma knew exactly what they were doing in promoting dangerous mRNA injections, then withheld informed consent and spewed out endless propaganda on how safe it was for all groups. Critics, whistle blowers and the vaccine hesitant were demonized and pilloried for daring to tell the truth.

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Crimes Against Humanity Tour To Explode Global Pandemic Narrative

Wherever you are and whatever you do, I need your help in the War On Technocracy. Those of us who participated in the international Grand Jury of Public Opinion are just about to start a nine-city Crimes Against Humanity Tour of the United States to present our findings. We are fearlessly moving forward with this, and we need fearless people to promote attendance right away! Plan to attend yourself and bring friends!

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Military Looks For AI To Replace Decision-Making On Battle Field

Left unchecked, artificial Intelligence will eventually subsume all areas of life on earth, including health, population management and warfare. As the wounded are harvested from battlefields, AI is now sought for performing triage to decide which soldiers to treat first who are deemed to be "savable", potentially leaving others to die.

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Phase 2: Technocracy’s War On Humanity

In war, diversionary strategies are legendary: trick the enemy into thinking you are doing one thing, while you secretly do another thing to sneak up from another direction and clobber them. Technocracy is at war with the world since January 2020 with the introduction of COVID. Now, the next phase is underway and you will never see it if you look directly at Russia or Ukraine.

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How Technocrats Dabble: Killer AI Invented 40,000 ‘Lethal Chemical Weapons’ In Just Six Hours

Scientists with legitimate concern for people and humanity are rightly terrified by the outcome of this experiment. Technocrats not so much. In the wrong hands, the power of AI could be used to destroy all life on earth. The development of the atomic bomb pales in comparison.

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War In Ukraine Is The WEF’s Doorway To Global Technocracy

Don't be fooled by the deluge of propaganda stating the war is between Russia and Ukraine. Rather, it is a war between Technocracy and the rest of the world. As the nation state model of government dissolves, it will be replaced by leaders of the corporate world, central bank oligarchs and private financial institutions.

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Beijing Olympics: China Has Access To DNA Of Top U.S. Athletes

Technocrats in China have long been collecting Western DNA from the United States, Canada and Europe. Now, they have direct access to the DNA of top athletes. Futuristic military applications include development of advanced bioweapons that specifically target non-Asian races.

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US Military Data Reveals Skyrocketing Rate Of mRNA Injection Injuries

The U.S. military has been severely compromised by forcing mRNA injections on soldiers, in spite of volumes of safety data that warned leaders not to mandate the shots in the first place. The injections have done nothing to prevent viral infections. This could be the second biggest health scandal in our history, eclipsed only by the intentional suppression of life-saving drugs.

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