Hiring Autistic Workers: 4 Big Tech Companies Embracing “Neurodiversity” in Tech
Hiring Autistic Workers: 4 Big Tech Companies Embracing “Neurodiversity” in Tech

Can autistic individuals who are "neurodivergent" be good software developers? Sam Altman of OpenAI thinks so because he invested in a startup called Mentra to "match neurodivergent jobseekers with ideal jobs." It turns out that many tech leaders have Asperger's Syndrome, which is a type of Autism.


The UN Green Agenda Will Spark Famine
The UN Green Agenda Will Spark Famine

Where did the UN go wrong? Rhetoric aside, it erred from right at the beginning when it decided to meddle with national affairs. However, the old UN was vastly different from today's iteration, which is based on sustainable development, aka Technocracy. Today's agenda has baked in famine for humanity.

Food Systems

The UN Will Sign the Pact of the Future in 60 Days
The UN Will Sign the Pact of the Future in 60 Days

The day that the UN can levy taxes on member states, businesses, and individuals, it will be game over for liberty. The forces behind this push include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller family, The Open Society Foundation (Soros), members of the Club of Rome, etc. Who drives the UN? Unelected and unaccountable Technocrats. 


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Climate Change

UNDP: Why Legal Identity Is Crucial To Tackling The Climate And Energy Crisis

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is revealing its plan for Technocracy, which is predicated on digital identity for all humans on Earth. Climate and energy have nothing to do with it. The 850 million people who have no identity (in poorer countries) are hardly the cause of global warming. Nevertheless, the UNDP claims that "national ID systems are indispensable tools in confronting the climate and energy crisis."

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2030 Agenda

How Did States, Cities Embrace UN’s “2030 Agenda” Climate Action Plans?

How did all this garbage - pure Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy - show up in our cities and states? Answer: a full-court barrage of UN agents. I dare you to search for your city and the words "climate action plan" on Google. You will be shocked! I estimate that seventy percent of all cities already have a formal plan, and another twenty percent are working on it.

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Sustainable Development

The Rockefellers Created 990 “Climate Change” Institutions, Foundations, And Activist Groups

Canadian Journalist Elizabeth Nikson digs deeply into Jacob Nordangard's epic book, Rockefeller: Controlling the Game.  Every scurrilous, freedom-sapping organization in America has been founded or funded by Rockefeller money. In 1973, with the founding of the Trilateral Commission. their plan kicked into high gear to capture all the resources of the world. 

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