Technocracy’s Final Assault? When Technocrats Came For The White House
Technocracy’s Final Assault? When Technocrats Came For The White House

One crude headline in 2022 described Peter Thiel as a "Sociopathic Billionaire Man-Child Who Wants to Eat the World." Elon Musk and Thiel are both known for Asperger's traits, but both are dyed-in-the-wool Technocrats and Transhumans. Both are huge contributors to the Trump campaign. J.D. Vance, also a Technocrat, was employed and groomed by Thiel for his entire adult life. Thiel subsequently financed Vance's successful Senatorial campaign and then jockeyed him into the vice-president nomination.


Billionaire Technocrats Pile On The Trump Train, Led By Peter Thiel And J.D. Vance
Billionaire Technocrats Pile On The Trump Train, Led By Peter Thiel And J.D. Vance

In Peter Thiel's eyes, he has scored the major coup of his lifetime in taking over the Republican party for Technocracy. Read this article and ponder: "Because JD Vance, the new potential VP, is Thiel’s creature. He is a man Thiel molded in his own image through lavish investments in his business and political careers." Thus, the Populist movement has fully merged with Technocracy to move forward as Technopopulism.


Eric Weinstein: “It’s The Communism, Stupid”
Eric Weinstein: “It’s The Communism, Stupid”

Peter Thiel is at the top of the Technocracy and Transhumanism pyramid. He is surrounded by technocrats who are groomed by him, including the likes of J.D. Vance. Weinstein is giving a siren call to Trump supporters to see a communist under every rock, around every corner, and suggests that Trump is attracting more support because of this. If he is correct, then they don't see the open arms of Technocrats and Transhumanists waiting to welcome them to the digital gulag. 


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Billionaire Technocrats Pile On The Trump Train, Led By Peter Thiel And J.D. Vance

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