Articles by Patrick Wood

Energy Currency: Your Money Won’t Help You

One of the main tenets of Technocracy is the abolition of private property. This has always been the case, even from the 1930s when Technocracy was first conceived as a coherent economic system run by scientists and engineers. The early Technocrats wanted to scrap money altogether and substitute "Energy Certificates" instead.

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The Trilateral Commission: Usurping Sovereignty

The American public has never, ever conceived that such forces would align themselves so successfully against freedom and Liberty. Yet, the evidence is clear: Steerage of America has long since fallen into the hands of an actively hostile enemy that intends to remove all vestiges of the very things that made us the greatest nation in the history of mankind.

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Flashback: Toward A North American Union

The global elite, through the direct operations of President George Bush and his Administration, are creating a North American Union that will combine Canada, Mexico and the U.S. into a superstate called the North American Union (NAU). The NAU is roughly patterned after the European Union (EU). There is no political or economic mandate for creating the NAU, and unofficial polls of a cross-section of Americans indicate that they are overwhelmingly against this end-run around national sovereignty.

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Global Banking: The World Bank

Created at  Bretton Woods in 1944, the World Bank has been dominated by international bankers, members of the Council on Foreign Relations and later by the  Trilateral Commission. Corruption and self-interest run amok as public funds are converted into private hands by the billions.

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The Global Elite: Who Are They?

Who are the central/core perpetrators of globalization and the New World Order? To truly understand globalization you must have a firm grasp on who the real movers and shakers are… and pass by myriads of wannabe big-shots. Members of the elite core are not hard to spot, once you know what to look for.

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