Search Results for china

Only In China: Like A Giant Ant Farm Housing 30,000 Humans

The ultimate Smart City. Sustainable living. Agenda  21-style "stack 'em and pack 'em." An experiment in peak efficiency. The "Science of Social Engineering" run amok. Technocrats in China lost their shirt with this huge luxury hotel, so they carved it into tiny apartments to maximize revenue and house as many as 30,000 residents. Some will be born there and never leave.

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China’s Plan To Build Global Technocracy Using Artificial Intelligence

This 12,000-word tome is straight from the official Chinese website, and it gives marching orders to every corner of the country to use AI to implement Technocracy in China and beyond: Smart Cities, Smart Agriculture, Smart Society, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Healthcare, Smart Economy, Smart Robots, Smart Transportation, Smart IoT, Smart Finance, Smart Logistics, Smart Homes, Smart Education, Smart Government, Smart Courts, and more.

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Leading Chinese Scholar Lists The Benefits Of Technocracy In China

Inside China, there is a candid and robust discussion about Technocracy and its implementation. In the West, hardly anyone sees China in this light. Sun Tsu wrote in The Art of War, "If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." This is why China will continue to steamroll over the West.

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China Harvests DNA Globally From Pregnant Women, Fetuses

Communists would have no clue what to do with DNA, but Technocrats do. Technocrats in China are harvesting DNA from every known people group in every locality and race in the world: blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, Europeans, Africans, Aussies, down to Aborigines in the Outback. Why? To develop selective bioweapons to target certain groups.

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AI Oligarchs Plans: Team With China, ‘Break’ Capitalism

Thinking people should ditch the left-right rhetoric and look beyond their noses to see the Technocrats who are playing all sides against the middle. Technocrats have used Republican administrations just as adroitly as Democratic ones. The singular common goal is to "break capitalism" with the help of the only pure Technocracy, China. Capitalism is anathema to Technocrats because of its price-based economic system, in favor of a resource-based system that they can totally control. Today, Technocrats are swarming all over the Biden Administration.

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Un-Holy Cow! China Engineers And Clones ‘Super Cows’

Technocrat and Transhuman scientists in China waive aside all ethical and moral constraints as they are determined to control both life and nature. Cloning animals is a precursor to cloning humans, as they have already boasted. Between synthetic biology, transgenic editing and cloning, the world population is in for some unexpected outcomes.

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Just What Was Henry “Old Friend Of China” Kissinger Doing With Chairman Xi?

When Trilateral Commission sage Kissinger shows up in unexpected places, we should look closely to see what this 100 year-old snake is up to. This was not an official visit, but remember, it was Kissinger in 1972 who thawed relations with China, which made it possible for Zbigniew Brzezinski to induct them into the modern world in 1976- and subsequently feed them Technocracy's dogma to build a giant global octopus.

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Dancing With The Devil: Open AI Boss Calls For Collaboration With China

Technocrats across the world have a naive affinity for each other, regardless of political system at the top. This is partly because Technocrats have no use for political systems, except for the extent that they can be used to further Technocrat goals. Like the U.S. government, China's governors will grab any technology useful for warfare and try to capitalize on it.

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Musk Goes To China, Plans Tesla Expansion, Parlays Against “Decoupling”

As conservatives and libertarians swoon over Elon Musk being a "free speech absolutist", he cavorts with the world's first nation to have converted to Technocracy. Musk, an arch-Technocrat himself, finds satisfaction in China because "birds of a feather, flock together." Musk should be no puzzlement to anyone who grasps this concept, but he is a great danger to everyone else.

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Under Xi, China Continues To Solidify And Consolidate Its Technocracy

You can still see the visible trappings of former Communism in China, but the substance of the country has morphed into hard-core Technocracy. This was intentional and not accidental, as evidenced by many internal and external reports. For all those who thought Chairman Xi was moving away from Technocracy, this article proves that he is dead set on increasing Technocrat power.

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