Search Results for november 23 mercola

Mercola: The Stupidity of Ethanol as “Green” Energy

Ethanol, an agricultural product based on corn, was mandated by Congress in 2005 for inclusion in gasoline. In 2022, 36 billion gallons of ethanol was produced by 40% of our total corn acreage, or 36 million acres. On day 1 in 2005, I said that it was the stupidest idea ever because corn is human food raised on essential farming acreage.

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Mercola: The WHO Pandemic Treaty Closes In On Absolute Control Over Global Biosecurity

Sustainable Development Goal #3 states: Ensure Healthy Lives And Promote Well-Being For All At All Ages. The global pandemic treaty is a natural extension of this SDG, except that the world could now be at the exclusive mercy of the corrupt and scandal-ridden WHO. This initiative must be stopped at all costs.

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Mercola: COVID Jabs Are Creating ‘Vaccine Addicts’ As Immune Systems Fail

Whether intentional or not, data is suggesting that mRNA vaccines and boosters are inducing "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome" that may leave a large segment of society dependent on additional shots to provide protection against further diseases. Medical Technocrats who have brought this scourge upon humanity must be held accountable.

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Mercola: Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is Real Virus

Mercola points out the importance and necessity of self-policing misinformation and disinformation about CARS-CoV-2 because unsubstantiated claims made by some simply adds fuel to the propaganda that claims all people who are concerned about COVID treatment and injection injuries are conspiracy theorists

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Mercola: Fully Vaxxed 9 Times More Likely To Be Hospitalized

The pandemic's science and data are twisted beyond recognition in the same way that global warming alarmists did with climate change alarmism. Despite being exposed time after time, it never served to slow them down or to clean up their act. In turn, this exposes the mean-spirited predatory nature of Technocrat pseudo-science.

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Mercola: How to Fight Vaccine Mandates and Passports

The world is fed up with Technocrat/Transhumanist assaults and is fighting back on every continent. The agenda to destroy society and our economic system is becoming more clear by the day and people are starting to see it as an existential threat to civilization, which indeed it is.

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Mercola: In Washington, DC, Doctors Can Secretly Vaccinate Your Kids Without Your Knowledge Or Consent

A stunning breach of medical ethics is turning into outright lawlessness as logic and Federal laws are abandoned. The Technocrat mind sees no point in parental consent over vaccination of their young children because "the science is settled" and why should anyone object to that? However, the science is NOT settled and we object!

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Mercola: The Web Of Censors Behind The Censors

Finally, some clarity to the network of censors around the world who control what gets censored and what does not. The network is relatively small in number, but well funded and able to leverage themselves many times over through more traditional media. This network is 100% intentional.

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Mercola: Digital ‘Anti-Hate’ Group Labels Vaccine Skeptics As National Security Threat

Big Pharma's global hammer is coming down on all vaccine skeptics as falsely called 'anti-hate' groups label them as extremists and threats to national security. Why is Big Pharma so desperate to get a DNA-modifying vaccine needle into humanity's arm? It's beyond just marketing and desire for profit.

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