Search Results for food

Technocracy: “Science of Social Engineering” Is Brainwashing

In 1937, The Technocrat magazine defined Technocracy as the “Science of Social Engineering” and then proceeded to define the outcome as a resource-based economic system with all decisions made by Technocrats. Rejected and ridiculed, they turned to deception and psychological warfare.

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Genetic Scientists Are Creating Health Doomsday For Humanity

Tampering with human mRNA and DNA is the height of arrogance by scientists who have no understanding of what they are doing, but now all humans are their guinea pigs. Studies show the COVID "vaccines" are causing prion disease, aka Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), subacute spongiform encephalopathy, or "Mad Cow Disease".

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Genetic Scientists On Track To Create A Genetically Engineered Doomsday

These genetic scientists have abused science and contaminated the gene pool of every living thing on this planet. Collectively, they have been plotting the takeover of all genetic material since 1992. The only way to stop them is to take away their keycards, immediately escort them out of their laboratories, permanently ban them from any scientific research, and then raze the building to the ground. Listen to my presentation and then read the article. 

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Genetically Modified Synthetic Milk To Hit Stores In 2024

It's not milk, but they claim that it is "identical to what cows make." The claim of "substantially equivalent" is made for other GMO products as well, but it is all marketing propaganda designed to deceive the FDA and consumers. There is a wave of startup companies gearing up to fill supermarket shelves in 2024.

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China’s Plan To Build Global Technocracy Using Artificial Intelligence

This 12,000-word tome is straight from the official Chinese website, and it gives marching orders to every corner of the country to use AI to implement Technocracy in China and beyond: Smart Cities, Smart Agriculture, Smart Society, Smart Manufacturing, Smart Healthcare, Smart Economy, Smart Robots, Smart Transportation, Smart IoT, Smart Finance, Smart Logistics, Smart Homes, Smart Education, Smart Government, Smart Courts, and more.

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Technocracy: Critics Slam UN “Climate” Scientists’ Bid for Dictatorial Power

Alex Newman is in Dubai for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's COP28 meeting. I corresponded with him about the overall focus: "Save humanity from itself and carbon dioxide (CO2), known to scientists as the 'gas of life' despite being demonized as 'pollution by man-made global-warming theorists." This anti-human lunacy must stop!

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Eat Less Meat: The UN’s Net Zero Plan For Agriculture At COP28

Crickets, mealworms, and cockroaches are more sustainable than cattle, pigs, and sheep. The UN claims that one-third of all global "greenhouse emissions" come from agriculture, mostly from livestock and most of that from cattle. In December 2023, The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will officially present the first Agriculture Roadmap for Net Zero By 2050. Of course, this will mean "shifting diets to reduce global production of livestock-based protein."

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Beyond Technocracy

“Will the ordinary man become a scientist?…Bucchi exposes the inadequacy of the ‘technochratic model’ but also the weaknesses of contemporary bioethics when facing the increasing…

‘We The Exploited’: Slouching Toward ‘Soylent Green’

John Whitehead clearly explains the nuts and bolts of Scientific Dictatorship and the digital panopticon that provides the control grid. However, the government is the patsy of Big Tech, which is the driving force for Technocracy. You will see how we are commodified, molded, and compressed into products that are then fed back to ourselves... like Soylent Green.

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