Search Results for great reset

UN To EU: Don’t Dare To Return To Fossil Fuels Amid Energy Crisis

The UN is out to kill capitalism and return Europe to the dark ages just in time for the Great Reset. When Europe was invaded by Islamic immigrants, it made the same demand to not "renege" on their previous immigration quotas. In both cases, the UN started these policies and are now shaming countries that don't comply.

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How The World Economic Forum Promotes Transhumanism

The World Economic Forum promotes the Great Reset in two parts: Technocracy that transforms society, economics and politics and Transhumanism that creates H+ or Humanity 2.0. This is the heartbeat of Klaus Schwab's Fourth Industrial Revolution: immortal gods living in perpetual Utopia.

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Flashback: Rebuilding Babel – Toward The Endgame of Technocracy

As the world continues to dive into the chaos of the Great Reset, this article will remind you that all the warning signs were plainly visible several years ago, but they were not taken seriously by those who might have taken action to stop it. Today, we are paying a huge, if not existential price for inattention, because now we are at war with a still-unrecognized enemy.

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The Controlled Demolition Of Europe

There are tectonic rumblings throughout Europe and there is no clear outcome just yet. Leaders and borders may change. However, it is clear that there is an orchestrated plan to deconstruct the existing world order to prepare for the "new", i.e., the WEF's Great Reset, aka Technocracy.

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Energy Crisis: Thousands Of UK Firms Could Collapse And Disappear

Economic destruction is the certain outcome of energy shortages. This is piled on top of economic destruction seen from 2020-2022 COVID lockdowns. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum continues to blather on about the benefits of the Great Reset and Build Back Better. The problem is that millions could die in the process while no one is held accountable. This is the heartbeat of Technocracy and it is coming fast.

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Energy Crisis: 20 Million US Homes Are Behind On Power Bills

The cumulative pressure brought by anti-energy Technocrats is succeeding at the gas pump and households. Since the early 1930s, Technocracy has demanded absolute control over all energy distribution and consumption in order to control the "resource-based" economic system to be run by them. Secondarily, creating energy shortages is killing free market economy, paving the way for the Great Reset.

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Catherine Austin Fitts: We Are At War With The Deep State

As the world increasingly wakes up to the war against humanity, people will turn the Great Reset into the Great Resist. As with any war, there are already casualties and destruction of property, but that is the price of liberty for those who remain afterwards. Technocracy cannot stand on its own, but it can cause a lot of havoc in the meantime.

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Monetary Transformation: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)

If "the fish rots from the head down", then look no further than the Bank for International Settlement for the rapid implementation of CBDCs throughout the world. The chart below is likely out of date, with much more development having been conducted since the data was collected. The CBDC network is the chosen monetary system for the other side of the Great Reset.

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ESG ‘Climate Cartel’ Finally Connected To Soaring Fuel Prices

ESG is a policy sledgehammer designed to kill oil, gas and coal production throughout the world. It is the cornerstone of the WEF's Great Reset and the UN's Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. As traditional sources of energy are curtailed, the predictable outcome of shortages is price increases. Finally, a prominent figure in the political arena has made this connection and is speaking out in public forums. Is anyone listening? 

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WEF Declares That The Color Of Democracy Is… Green?

This thinly-veiled screed of propaganda protests that the reason "green energy" programs are failing is because the price of traditional energy is too low. Further, if we don't fix this price disparity, we are not "protecting democracy." Thus, driving up energy prices protects democracy. This insane reasoning is the bedrock ideology of the Great Reset, Green New Deal and Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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