Search Results for transhumanism

King Charles Enthusiastically Embraces Genetic Editing

King Charles is completely aligned with the World Economic Forum's two-part Great Reset: First, to create the new global economic order and second, to create Humanity 2.0 through genetic editing. As I have plainly documented, Transhumanism includes the takeover of DNA of all living things on earth, including plants and insects.

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Klaus Schwab: “…Who Masters Those Technologies, In Some Way, Will Be The Master Of The World.”

Both Technocracy and Transhumanism have taken permanent root in the Islamic world. The UAE wants to be the global leader in Financial Technologies (FinTech) and also be the first to colonize outer space. Further, they covet the Transhuman idea of escaping death. They are also tightly bonded with the World Economic Forum and the United Nations.

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Flashback: The Transhumanist Agenda And The Future Of Humanity

A national discussion on Transhumanism is urgently needed before the damage to humanity becomes permanent. There will be a day in the not-to-distant future where Transhumanists will declare that humanity 1.0 faces extinction unless Transhumanist technologies are implemented to create humanity 2.0. Another existential threat like global warming, Sars-CoV-2, etc.

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Medical Technocracy: The Forced Medication Of All Citizens

It should be, "your body, your choice". That's over. The combined forces of Technocracy and Transhumanism are now in control of your body, both of what you put into it and what comes out of it. All disease, whether real or faked, will be treated by protocols from on high and at their discretion and timing.

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Barbara Malthusian Hubbard: From Limits to Growth to UN Agenda 2030

Klyczek: "Malthusianism is the bedrock of Darwinism, which is the foundation of eugenics, which is the cornerstone of transhumanism. Put another way, transhumanism encompasses both the Malthusian-sustainable control of population quantity and the Darwinian-eugenic control of population quality by means of technocracy. "

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Central Bank Digital Currency Is the Endgame Of Total Control

The central bank cartel, headed by the Bank for International Settlements, is playing its CBDC card to dominate the world. Welcome to Fintech, the new financial arm of the Great Reset, the ordained financial system for Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. The rise of central bankers is described in my book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism.

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Is The Transhumanist Era Is Already Here?

If humans are just “ape-brained meatsacks” in desperate need of an upgrade, then their Utopia isn't working out as well as hoped. In fact, Transhumanism has been sneaking up on us before anyone recognized it as such. Today, the rush to hack humanity will favor the rich and discriminate against everyone else.

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Skynet Rising: Why CBDCs Must Be Terminated Before They Go Live

In my newest book, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, I demonstrated how the central banks of the world have directly asserted themselves as the master controllers of financial and economic policies. The head of this giant snake is the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland. If CBDCs are implemented, it will give them Skynet-type control over humanity.

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Biodigital Convergence: The Pandemic Started The Genetic Transformation Of Humanity

The Pandemic was never just about a virus and a "vaccine". It was the first mass-scale application of synthetic biology to the human condition. As such, it transitioned theoretical Convergence science  into applied science but on a global scale. For a world that mostly never heard of Transhumanism, they have arbitrarily been placed on the conveyor belt of transformation.

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Useless Eaters: Drug Them, Give Them Computer Games, Let Them Eat Bugs

Technocracy is insidious, heartless and dispassionate. The original definition of Technocracy from the 1930s is "The science of social engineering". They have the science and they will use it to "engineer" minds to accept their conditioning. Like the "Borg", they say "Resistance is futile" and "We will assimilate". Technocracy's war on humanity is existential and the window of opportunity to reject it is rapidly closing.

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