Search Results for china

Fixing Air Pollution And Soot Would Be Faster And 20X Cheaper Than CO2 Fix

If you don't think the world needs to spend $48 Trillion to get rid of CO2, then it has a Plan B for you: 16 other measures that could do the same thing for a fraction of the cost. Real air pollution has been very successfully reduced in cities like Pittsburgh, PA, but it wasn't because CO2 was removed or that it followed some UN mandate.

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Snap: India’s Nationwide Biometric ID Database Ruled Constitutional

Between China and India, both deeply embedded in Technocracy, 2.7 billion people of the world are hopelessly trapped in a scientific dictatorship. This represents 36.3% of the entire planet. For the most part, America is still asleep as the Trump Administration opens the gates wide for this draconian technology to capture us as well. It's time to say NO, America.

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Big Tech Tells Government To Step Aside On 5G Rollout

The Administration is rife with Technocrat thinking on 5G. The Director of the National Economic Council blames states and cities for getting in the way of 5G rollout and must be stopped. He says the FCC ruling is not meant to trample on the sovereignty of cities and states, but it does. This is deemed necessary because in order to beat China, we must be more like China.

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Michael Bloomberg Appointed As UN Special Envoy To Lead Climate Finance Initiative

Bloomberg is a consummate Technocrat, dedicated to transforming the world's economic system into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. He was quietly appointed to the UN position to create a capital flow of $100 billion per year, to be invested into Public-Private Partnerships. As always, the smokescreen is climate change.

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Growing Numbers Are Falling In Love With A Computer-Generated Simulation

Game addiction expanding its reach when player fall in love with an AI driven chat-bot. Young minds cannot yet clearly distinguish between reality and fantasy, and thus are easy marks to be led into this strange non-reality. Technocrats who build these games are driven by a lust for social engineering.

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Drones Unleashed: First Unmanned Air-To-Air Kill Signals New Era Of Warfare

The Military/Industrial Complex is full of Technocrats who believe science and technology has the answer to every problem. In many cases, the desire for anonymous killing is exacerbated by immersion into video games where avatars are blown to bits with no accountability or ethical concern for human life.

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Chicago Tunnel: Elon Musk’s Breakthrough Or Pipe Dream?

Elon Musk's popularity and constant appearance in headlines across America is proof that America still loves Technocrats and Technocracy. Musk's grandfather was the head of Canada's Technocracy, Inc. during the 1930s and 1940s, when north America had over 500,000 dues-paying members. The hallmark of Technocracy has always been hype and Musk has certainly mastered that art.

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AT&T And LA Explore Massive Public-Private Partnership To Impose Smart City Tech

Activists in Los Angeles should be hounding its city council day and night to stop these devilish negotiations to create the "smartest city" in America that would follow the China model of Technocracy. Public-Private Partnerships are a spawn of the United Nations and Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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Paris Climate Agreement Is Finally Unraveling Everywhere

While the rhetoric continues, actions are speaking louder than words: coal and fossil fuel production and usage is still rising as nations refuse to do things that will harm their own economies. Technocrats at the UN and elsewhere can only scream louder and longer that mankind is doomed if global warming isn't curtailed.

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