Search Results for china

Spy vs. Spy – Silicon Valley Is Destination Of Choice For Espionage

Just as regular citizens have no expectation of privacy for personal information, Big Tech has no expectation of privacy for their technology secrets. Why? Because its entire culture is riddled with working spies from foreign actors that feel they have as much right to technology as the ones who invented it in the first place, even if they have to steal it.

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Transhumans Look To Attend Their Own Funerals Via Computer Avatar

The transhuman fantasy of downloading their brains into a computer network persists no matter what evidence to the contrary is presented. Although Ray Kurzweil was the first high-profile technologist to popularize this, many other scientists have since jumped on the bandwagon. Transhumanism and Technocracy are the twin creations of Scientism.

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More Calls For Direct Technocracy In America As Democracy Falters

This article casts Patrick Wood as a  "conspiracy theory propagandist" who "indicts technocrats as leaders in globalist plots to control the masses." This is the same technique used in the 1970s to deflect analysis of the Trilateral Commission. This is a must-read article that shows the nexus between populism and Technocracy, which will make way for full-blown Technopopulism in America.

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U.S. Lawmakers Press Facebook Over Chinese Data Sharing

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is fluent in Mandarin Chinese and culture, and had no problem in negotiating the sale of personal data to Chinese companies. Technocracy transcends national borders and cultural differences because it is the same science and technology that works everywhere. In Facebook's instance, "follow the data, follow the power."

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Homeland: Massive New Database To Include Facial Recognition, DNA, Relationships

Huge shoutout to Jennifer Lynch of Electronic Frontier Foundation for investigative journalism to expose the Department of Homeland Security's massive surveillance program. TN has warned for years that Technocrats in U.S. intelligence agencies have gone rogue while ignoring the U.S. Constitution, Federal law and citizen complaints. If surveillance is not stopped, America will quickly surpass China as a police state.

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Epic Renewable Energy Fail As Solar Crashes And Wind Refuses To Blow

Technocrat solutions to solve a fake energy crisis are designed to fail from the moment they are created: when the wind doesn't blow or the sun doesn't shine, alternative energy produces zero output. S0-called 'renewables' cannot possibly supply society with the power it needs on a consistent basis.

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