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How The Globalism Con Game Leads To A ‘New World Order’

This article touches on some important points, but has no awareness of Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development, as the real driver behind globalization. The New World Order is aptly described by Dr. Parag Khanna (a Technocrat) in Connectography: ”We are building this global society without a global leader. Global order is no longer some-thing that can be dictated or controlled from the top down. Globalization is itself the order.”  The outcome of globalization is Scientific Dictatorship and Technocracy.

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DARPA Inspired: First Drone Warship Joins US Navy To Hunt Submarines

It is already publicly acknowledged that in the future, Sea Hunter will be equipped with missiles, torpedoes or other armaments to build  "a human-machine collaborative battle fleet." WWIII will be fought with autonomous drones. We can thank the Technocrats at DARPA for this 'mad science'.

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Scientists: ‘Planet-Hacking’ Plan For Atmosphere Could Keep Earth Habitable For Longer

Speculative chemtrail theories have abounded for years because people are either too lazy or too ill-equipped to do the proper research into the real roots of atmospheric tampering, namely, scientific geo-engineering. The real story behind geo-engineering is much more disturbing than any conspiracy theory. Technocrat scientists are bent on hacking the atmosphere to 'save' the planet. There are many geo-engineering scientists to oppose this crackpot scheme.

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Humans Will Be Genetically Modified For First Time In Europe

As predicted two years ago, Technocrat scientists are stepping over the line to edit human DNA and potentially change the germline of inherited genes. There are massive gaps in knowledge of the workings of DNA, but these scientists do not believe that they can make mistakes or cause unintended consequences.

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