Search Results for china

UN Secretary General Praises Xi Jinping’s Commitment To The 2030 Agenda

This is one of the shortest press releases ever seen from the UN, but Secretary-General Guterres has nothing but praise for Xi Jinping for his part in pushing Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda. This is not surprising in that both of them are Technocrats and China is the leading example of Technocracy in the world.

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Chinese Facial Recognition Company Becomes World’s Most Valuable AI Start-Up

Read this article very carefully to see that SenseTime is working closely with a) prestigious MIT and b) U.S.-based Qualcomm. Alibaba, China's equivalent to Amazon, already poured $600 million into SenseTime, and at least 40 local governments China have already implemented its software for 1984-style surveillance.

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Scientists: Giant Sunshade In The Sky Could Solve Global Warming

Technocrat Scientists are finally exposing their crackpot schemes to cool planet earth, even though limited experiments have been conducted for decades. Technocrats believe that there is no problem that cannot be solved by science, including false problems like global warming. They say they are going to 'save' the earth, but their policies produce the polar opposite results.

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Trilateral Commission Member Richard Haass Writes ‘Liberal World Order, R.I.P.’

Is the Trilateral Commission giving up on its "New International Economic Order", aka Technocracy and Sustainable Development, or is this just another smokescreen to lead observers astray? What the world needs for Technocracy to rule is the complete failure of Capitalism and Free Enterprise. As global resources are sequestered by the UN and its globalist cronies, the world will be primed for a 'resource-based' economic system ruled by the technological elite.

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Paris Climate Accords Are Increasingly Ignored By Nations Who Signed

The Paris climate accords were an exercise in futility as most nations to signed on have, in practice, acted like they never existed. However, the Technocrat rhetoric continues at full throttle, trying to convince the world that too much carbon is going to kill us. Taking carbon out of the atmosphere is anti-human and will lead to mass starvation, not climate salvation.

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Overhaul Of U.S. Telecoms Database By Foreign-Owned Company Sparks Fear of Catastrophic Failure

FCC Director Pai is the Technocrat caused a national outrage by dismantling 'Net Neutrality". Now he is overseeing the major overhaul of a mission-critical US communication system that processes over 6 billion calls and texts per day. The problem is that the programming contractor is not a US owned or operated company. If this system fails for any reason, American communications will be completely shut down.

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Snowden: The NSA Is Hunting Down Senders And Receivers Of Bitcoin

There are crooks and then there are lots of normal and innocent people who deal with Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies. The digital bloodhounds at the NSA took it as a challenge to hunt them all down and track their activity. This required new tools and techniques. You may think that your crypto-wallet is safe and private, but that perception will crumble once you know that the NSA is on your heels.

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New York Post: The World Is Descending Into Tyranny

The author of this story recognizes the obvious descent into tyranny, but not that the tyranny itself is Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development.  Jinping, Putin, Erdogan and other dictators are head-over-heels in support of Sustainable Development. China is most clearly a Technocracy. When Franklin Delano Roosevelt was elected President in 1933, one year after Technocracy was founded at Columbia University, early Technocrats called for him to declare himself dictator in order to implement Technocracy. This is the best way to kick-start Technocracy because a dictator has no pesky resistance to get in his way, as in China, Russia or Turkey.

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Trump’s National Security Team Building New 5G Network To Avoid… Chinese Spies?

Qualcomm, Broadcom, AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, etc. are the implementers of 5G, not the Trump Administration or any other government body. The Technocrat threat isn't so much China, but rather our own government who want to control untold masses of data to be collected through the Internet of Everything. Who is kidding whom here?

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