Search Results for china

The Tyranny Of Algorithms Could Soon Rate Everything We Do

The fourth and fifth requirements of Technocracy as declared in 1934 are,  "Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used." and "Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual." [Scott, Howard et al, Technocracy Study Course, p. 232

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United Arab Emirates: A True Green Economy Pioneer?

Green Economy is synonymous with Sustainable Development and Technocracy. With opposing cultural world views between China and the Islamic world, both are pitted in competition to be the leaders in implementing Sustainable Development. Apparently, the SDG's of the United Nations' Sustainable Development are compatible with Sharia law and the Koran.

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FBI Director: The Whole Of Chinese Society Is A Threat To The US

China is completely intentional about everything it does to gain foreign influence, and its whole national apparatus is focused solely on gaining foreign influence. Espionage, hacking, Confucius Institutes, trade (companies like Huawei), etc. To a Technocrat mind, efficiency and persistence are supreme and every action has a purpose.

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Pew Research: Millennials Increasingly Turning To Technocracy As Alternative To Democracy

The Pew Research study is shocking: 46% of millennials are more likely to prefer Technocracy over other forms of government. Where did they get these values when many barely even know how to spell or pronounce the word? Or was the question preconceived to solicit a Technocracy response? If so, then this is propaganda to set up acceptance of Technocracy as it grows in influence.

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Chinese Police Using Facial-Recognition Glasses To ID Travelers in 3 Seconds Or Less

Facial recognition in China has taken the next logical step by giving police wifi-enabled and camera-equipped glasses in order to identify anyone they look at. The ID process can take as little as 3 seconds across 1.3 billion citizen records in the centralized database. This technology is coming to America and sooner than you think. Why? Because Technocrats full intend to conquer the whole world into their technological matrix.

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US Army Now Holding Drills With Ground Robots That Shoot

Technocrats in the military think that technology is the answer to warfare, and that means armed robotics ultimately equipped with autonomous AI. China and Russia have responded in kind, sparking an intense development war. Automated killing machines will make the first mechanized war, WW I or the 'Great War', appear like a minor skirmish.

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DARPA: ‘Sea Hunter’ Drone Ship Joins U.S. Navy Fleet

DARPA is a hotbed of Technocrats who push the science and engineering of automated weapons and advanced 'super-soldiers'. Sea Hunter is unarmed, but the Navy is already anticipating flotillas of armed vessels. China and Russia counterparts are in hot pursuit.

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Everything You Need To Know About A Nationalized 5G Wireless Network

It might be that the story about nationalizing 5G was a trial balloon that turned into a lead balloon, but it doesn't mean that 5G isn't racing ahead like a freight train. Corporate cellular providers like AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, etc., will all build their own 5G networks, resulting in more towers and more radiation. 5G is so fast that it will revolutionize the Internet of Everything, allowing real-time transmission of data.

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Trump Admin Considering Nationalizing Upcoming 5G Wireless Network

The new 5G cellular standard is expected to put real-time communications in place for the Internet of Things; thus, in the hands of the government, all IoT data could be collected and captured directly by the government. It is already known that most cell carriers are already providing massive amounts of data to the government. The misleading rational offered for nationalization is to 'guard against China'.

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