Search Results for china

Alibaba Founder Jack Ma Says Big Data And AI Pose Threat To Humans

Technocrat Jack Ma's Alibaba is the Amazon of China, and he is closely aligned with the Chinese government. He readily admits that "The AI and robots are going to kill a lot of jobs as machines will replace humans in future" and that Big Data and AI are a threat to humanity. Nevertheless, Technocracy races forward in China and around the world.

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Security Fears Spark Crackdown On Chinese Tech

What technology was not freely given to them by the Western elite was stolen from universities, government offices and laboratories by hacking, espionage and physical theft. Now U.S. officials are finally figuring out that the Chinese don't really like America and are blanketing us with return technology that has all kinds of back doors for increased spying and cyber-warfare. China is a Technocracy bent on dominating the world.

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DARPA At Work: Military Targets Urban Battlespace To Test Drone Swarm Tactics

The military has fast-tracked drone swarming project for immediate deployment for urban warfare. These swarms, coordinated with swarms of ground vehicles and robotic devices, can surround and isolate a target within a single city-block, within 30 minutes. China and the U.S. are said to be racing neck-and-neck in this arms race, but the presence of China Electronics Technocracy in the test zone speaks otherwise: China and the U.S. may well be privately sharing technology with each other. 

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Chinese Builds AI Robots To Treble Bomb Production

Chinese Technocrats could employ many of China's 1.4 billion citizens to make bombs, but they choose to use AI controlled robots instead. Technocrats build because they can, not because there is good reason to do so.

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Resistance: Chinese Citizens Shun Snitching Apps On Neighbors

Resistance against surveillance is rising among Chinese citizens, including avoidance of apps designed to snitch on their neighbors. China is a Technocracy with very autocratic control over citizens, so we will be watching to see if the trend to resist will grow or get squashed.

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New Wave Of GMO Escapes Regulation To Transform Global Food Supplies

GMOs will quickly dominate the global food chain under a new mantra that gene editing is merely "accelerated breeding technology."  Furthermore, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has bought this brazen lie and states that GMO plants are not “regulated articles” because they don't contain foreign pathogens from bacteria. Thus, the new breed of gene editors will not be regulated, monitored or required to conduct detailed testing, and yet they will contaminate the gene pool of the world's food supply. This is a horribly dangerous combination of greed and a Technocrat mindset that the 'science is already settled.'

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Population Bomb: Half The World’s Population Is Below Replacement Fertility Rate

Google returns 7.5 million results for the word 'overpopulation', all of which are ignorant, if not outright fraudulently claiming that population is the blame for everything. Here is a typical propaganda statement:

Human overpopulation is among the most pressing environmental issues, silently aggravating the forces behind global warming, environmental pollution, habitat loss, the sixth mass extinction, intensive farming practices and the consumption of finite natural resources, such as fresh water, arable land and fossil fuels, at speeds faster than their rate of regeneration.

Population fear-mongering is a total fraud, similar to global warming, used to drive the U.N.'s Sustainable Development agenda.

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