Search Results for china

India Creates The Largest Biometric Database In The World

Indians are mandated to link all their financial services to the national ID card, making surveillance ubiquitous with over 1 billion already signed up. India has already been described as a Technocracy, but this will certify it. Surveillance like this, as well a similar program in China, is coming to America soon, and then it will be too late to escape. You should now see why India was the first nation to drive cash out of circulation.

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Bitcoin: Evidence Points To The NSA As Its Original Engineer

While some will say that the following article is somewhat speculative (TN included), how speculative is Bitcoin itself as people mortgage their homes to buy it? Regardless, the fact remains that the NSA did write a major paper on cryptocurrency a full 20 year ago, long before Bitcoin was formally released, and this is alarm enough that things are not as they appear.

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Deep State’s Merry Christmas To America: Surveillance That Never Ends

Technocracy is the 'science of social engineering' that depends on an exhaustive data collection and a monitoring system to enforce rules and get feedback. While Whitehead details the many layers of surveillance that currently blanket us, the groundswell of technology about to invade from China will make today's surveillance look like a kindergarten exercise.

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Fight Global Warming By Taxing Meat Along With Carbon And Sugar

Global Technocrat scientists have declared war on meat just like they have on fossil fuels, and they sell the idea by claiming carbon emissions will be reduced. The meat reduction argument has apparently been successfully hung upon the Paris Climate Agreement and now investors are climbing on board with the idea.

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Mechelen Declaration: Cities Adopt UN Declaration for Global Compact on Migration

Cities are jockeying for more autonomous control within the nation-state, claiming that all societies will be multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual. Peter Sutherland, United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration and Development, once stated that multiculturalism is the only path to implement Sustainable Development.

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NBC News: Having Kids Is Bad For Earth, Procreating Deemed Immoral

The author is parroting UN Sustainable Development dogma that calls for population reduction throughout the world. Agenda 21 architects in the 1990s suggested that the earth could only sustain 600-800 million people. What would happen to the other 6.5 billion people? Claiming that it's immoral to have children, that you selfishly add to your personal carbon footprint, is anti-human, anti-civilization and anti-earth

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