Search Results for agenda 21

Dr. Tim Ball: Why Canada Must Get Out Of The Paris Climate Agreement

The world can thank the late Canadian, Maurice Strong, for leading the first Earth Summit that produced Agenda 21, Sustainable Development and alarmist calls on global warming and population reduction. Another Canadian, Dr. Timothy Ball, is leading the CLEXIT movement to get Canada out of the Paris Climate Agreement.

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Why Technocrat Social Engineers Blame People Instead Of Their Own Incompetence

Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, Smart Growth, Sustainable Development, etc., all tell people what to do, what to consume and how to live. Are Technocrats gods that they know better how everyone should behave? Any why is it always our fault when their Utopian dreamscapes don't work out?  This is good food for thought.

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City Mayors Are Furious Over FCC Ruling On 5G Rollout

The Agenda 21-soaked U.S. Conference of Mayors has been thrown under the bus by hard-core Technocrats who took over the FCC in order to roll over cities with 5G installation. Mayors are livid but now they learn who is boss.

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Population Control? Sustainable Development IS The Proven Solution

Dr. Tim Ball makes an important correlation that development drives population down, not up. This was likely well-understood by the creators of Agenda 21 in 1992, when they called for a reduced global population in order to achieve Sustainable Development. In other words, the concept of population reduction is implicit in the concept of Sustainable Development.

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The Two Faces Of Seattle: ‘We’re The Greenest’ vs. ‘No, We’re Still Brown’

Seattle has long-claimed the mantle of leadership for any leftist, eco-friendly, Agenda 21 supporting policies that comes down the pike, and yet its practice falls far from matching its rhetoric, and likely never will. Such policies do nothing but increase prices, stifle property rights and saddle businesses with ridiculous rules and regulations.

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NBC News: Having Kids Is Bad For Earth, Procreating Deemed Immoral

The author is parroting UN Sustainable Development dogma that calls for population reduction throughout the world. Agenda 21 architects in the 1990s suggested that the earth could only sustain 600-800 million people. What would happen to the other 6.5 billion people? Claiming that it's immoral to have children, that you selfishly add to your personal carbon footprint, is anti-human, anti-civilization and anti-earth

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