Search Results for transhumanism

Warning: WHO Names Transhumanist Dr. Jeremy Farrar As Chief Scientist For Global Health

You are about to understand why I wrote The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, i.e., they are both evil to the bone. The joint coup involves the entire takeover of global health in order to establish a global eugenics program to create Humanity 2.0. It is insane, but it is very real and speeding like a bullet train.

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Joe Allen: Vaxxbots Are A Virus Of The Mind

Joe Allen knows a lot about Transhumanism and the technology being used to further its assertions. In his progression of research, he has examined just about every anti-vaxx "conspiracy theory" that has been conjured up explaining what the elitists are doing to humanity. Wild assertions, easy as they are to conjure up, simply do not make for correct understanding. We should stand on what we know, not on vain speculations.

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Brownstone: Technocratic Dystopia Is Impossible

This author correctly demonstrates that the Utopian dream of Technocracy cannot work, could never work and will never work. The only question is how much of the world will it destroy before everyone else figures this out?

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Will You? The Brain-Computer Interface Is Already Here

Beware the dangers of transhumanism and the merging of human flesh and technology. Don't expect transhumanism to be aligned with any political ideology, whether left or right. It is apolitical and very closely aligned with Technocracy. BCI is only one aspect; genetic engineering is another.

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Brains Transformed: How Primitive Pixels Evolved into Biodigital Brains

Evil does not reside in the atomic structures of technology, but rather in the heart of man. Whatever means, whatever discoveries, whatever available resources, will always be appropriated by evil men to do evil things. Transhumanism is no different except that it will leave its followers disgruntled, dismayed and permanently damaged.

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G20 Signs Declaration for International Vaccine Passport

It's not about health. It's about control. Absolute control. "Your papers, please." Anyone who does not want to receive mRNA-based injections that Pfizer admits was never tested for transmission of a virus, is grounded from international travel. Nations will the adopt the same passport for domestic travel on airplanes, trains, busses, automobiles.

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Stanford Professor Declares: “Academic Freedom Is Dead”

The lunatics are running the asylum and are obsessed with destroying everything they touch, including science itself. This is why the title of my new book is "The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism". Their policies and actions are anti-human, anti-civilization and anti-God. Dr. Jay is right: "Academic freedom is dead."

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