Search Results for china

American Journalist: Criticize Your Government And Facebook Might Censor You Too

If, as and when Facebook-like tech giants decide to collude with government to impose their worldview on their constituents, it will be game over for all other forms of government, worldwide. In the case of Mark Zuckerberg, remember that he has highly praised China's Technocratic model of government, which is highly censored, repressive and manipulative. How could he not impose his beliefs on Facebook America? 

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KRACK: Huge Wi-Fi Vulnerability Threatens Internet Armageddon

The IoT is predicated on Wi-Fi connectivity; whatever security flaws existed previously pale in comparison to a flaw discovered in the Wi-Fi security protocol itself. Hundreds of millions of existing Wi-Fi devices are at risk, and most will never be patched. Undoubtedly, this will raise calls for a new security protocol, like quantum encryption currently being perfected by China.

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Nvidia Partners With Alibaba and Huawei To Build Smart City Platform

The venerable graphics giant Nvidia is leading the smart city revolution and has teamed up with the China Technocracy to expand their technology platform. What happens in China will not stay in China, since developed technology will return to its origin, namely, the United States. Already, China is the most surveilled nation on earth.

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Dental Surgery Robot Fits Implants Without Human Touch

Medical robots driven by data and AI are coming for doctors, surgeons and dentists. One day, such procedures will be totally automated and overseen only by lower-skilled technicians. Displaced doctors will not be pleased with the Universal Basic Income that they are likely to receive.

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