Search Results for china

The Future Of Green Business Lies In Urbanization, Smart Cities and Sustainability

There is a development race on amongst global corporations to promote urbanization as a way to reap trillions for themselves. Understand that this is not really about 'sustainability' or the environment: It is about new forms of economic development that did not exist before, but are now possible. It is about tapping into the public purse directly and without limit.

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Chinese Firm Replaces Half Of Workers With Robots To Sort 200,000 Packages Per Day

Just 2 weeks ago, GE CEO Jeff Immelt told us that "This notion of the war of the robots happening in the short term, that's more of a Silicon Valley vision than the real world." This story is part of a rash of stories out of China about massive robot-replacement that prove that Immelt is either an idiot or a liar.

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Claim: Cities Must Step Up To The Plate To Champion Climate Change Mitigation

The latest global mantra is that cities will soon replace the nation-state as the principal drivers and planners of society. Thus, you will see more articles of this type encouraging Mayors to usurp national sovereignty status and take control of the climate change mitigation 'problem.'

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New World Disorder: Disintegration Stage Commences

This writer stated many times that the success of Technocracy depends upon the death of capitalism and free enterprise. Technocracy will never ascend because of its superior attraction, but rather because it is the only game in town. This is why it almost caught on in the 1930s in the depths of the Great Depression, but the economy recovered and people forgot about Technocracy.

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The Future Of Warfare: Mini-Nukes And Mosquito-Like Robot Weapons

The future of warfare will be decided by technology-crazed Technocrats who invent because they can, not because they need to. Now that an global arms-race has broken out, there is no way to stop the oneupmanship competition to get smaller, more clever and more deadly: Weaponized technology designed to kill humans.

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Face-Scanners In Public Toilet To Prevent Theft Of Toilet Paper

This writer has reiterated many times that China is a Technocracy. This story gives you the future of Scientific Dictatorship in clear terms. Folks, this is where Technocracy is headed unless is it stopped cold in its tracks very soon. If not, we will be living under the continuous microscope of Big Brother, being herded like so many head of cattle in a feed lot

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David Rockefeller Dead At 101: Founder Of Modern Globalisation And Trilateral Commission

At age 101, the kingpin of modern globalization could not hold out for the Transhuman dream of immortality. However, he shaped the world like few men in history, including imposing Technocracy on the entire planet. The United Nations was beholden to him, as was China and the European Union. Actually, there was little in the world that he did not influence.

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