Search Results for china

Flashback: Rick Perry Tied To Agenda 21, Globalist Policies

Terry Hall is a legendary Texan who successfully fought against George Bush's globalist plan to create a North American Union, which was first to be realized by the "trans-Texas corridor". Rick Perry was Governor of Texas at the time, and he fought true conservatives and anti-Agenda 21 patriots tooth and nail to finish the corridor. Now Perry is Secretary of Energy, which is key to America's infrastructure.

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Mind Of A Technocrat: The Post-Human World

Technocrats view humanity as just part of the machine, a bag full of randomized atoms that are no better than other species. This is seen in Harari's statement, "you come to realize there is no true self. There is just a complicated connection of biochemical connections, without a core. There is no authentic voice that lives inside you."

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Japan To Invest Its Pensions In US Railroad Infrastructure

Public-Private Partnerships are a key element of advancing Sustainable Development, and they are rapidly expanding in the US, in particular with infrastructure. Establishment of high-speed rail is also a key element in the implementation of Technocracy, and can be seen in the writings and lectures of Dr. Parag Khanna.

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The Renewed Drive To Exit The United Nations

The United Nations is the primary driver of Technocracy on a global basis, through Sustainable Development, Green Economy and Natural Capitalism. It is also notable that Rockefeller family interests have used the UN for their dream of domination over humanity.

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The Problem With ‘Smart Cities’

There are alternative futures for cities, other than the 'smart city' meme touted by the United Nations and Technocrats everywhere. Further, it is not a foregone conclusions that Technocracy will win.

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Khanna: Asia Turns To Technocrats For Answers

China was largely converted to a Technocracy by 2000, and Singapore is considered the 'smartest' and connected city in the world. Khanna points out that the world, sans America, is racing toward technocratic governance.

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