Search Results for AGENDA 2030

Are Technocrats Secretly Stealing And Storing The DNA Of Newborn Babies?

The hospital industry has largely been taken over by Technocrats who practice "evidence-based medicine." You see the Technocrat mind at work when it selectively collects certain data while ignoring other data. Thus, collecting DNA from newborns for sequencing and permanent storage should be seen as a "prime directive" for Technocrats. Why? Because this is foundational for the soon-and-coming global digital system that will control all humans on Earth.

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Sustainable Development Is Technocracy

How many times do I have to say it? Sustainable Development is Technocracy! Writers, analysts, and critical thinkers around the world have investigated my research and come to the same conclusion: Wood is right! This is no consolation because, in my home country, Americans (save only a few) can't see the forest through trees or even the trees through the leaves; by refusing to open their eyes, they have fallen prey to the Sirens' enchantment that leads to sudden shipwreck.

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Nordangard: UN, WEF And The Coming Technocracy

A prominent scholar in Sweden, Jacob Nordangård, PhD, blows the lid off the United Nations and the WEF's plans to drive the world straight into a Technocracy. The reason their plans have never slowed down since inception is that they haven't been identified, and you can't fight an enemy that cannot be seen or an ideology that is not understood. The stubborn ignorance of people who refuse to accept this reality will be crushed by it. The clear and present danger is not Communism, Socialism, or Fascism; it is Technocracy!

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UNDP Releases Digital ID Governance Framework

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), as its name implies, is a hotbed of Technocrats who are intent on total global control. Its website states at the top of its homepage, "Governance For People And Planet." These Technocrats are encased in a simulacrum, promoting anti-reality that will eventually destroy the planet.

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Technocracy: Digital Public Infrastructure For “One Earth, One Family, One Future”

According to the UN, "Digital public infrastructure (DPI) has emerged as a critical enabler of digital transformation and can turbocharge progress to deliver on the SDGs." Technocracy is coming full circle now by requiring a common identity to track everything that is made or consumed. If you fail to understand this, you're fate may already be sealed.

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Nordangård: Transitioning to a New Global Order

At the genesis of modern globalization In 1973, the Trilateral Commission posited that "interdependence" of nations was inevitable, and then pushed it everywhere. Now, the same cabal says that nation states are unable to cope with the interconnected global problems on their own; hence, nobody except the United Nations can head global governance. 

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Hohmann: NWO Control Grid starts with the Connectivity of Everything

The late Rosa Koire stated about Agenda 21: “It is the blueprint, the comprehensive plan of action for the 21st century to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all minerals, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all law enforcement, all health care, all food, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.”

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Ministry Of Truth: Protecting Technocrat Oligarchs On Digital Platforms

The United Nations is a hard core Ministry of Truth. Fleming states that "they" - the UN - vastly outnumber the misinformation "haters"; she is dead wrong and living in her own fantastical bubble. However, as the pinnacle of Technocracy, the UN will do everything it can to quash all opposing narratives so that the Great Reset can continue unabated. 

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Technocracy: Humanity Is Sentenced To A Unipolar Prison And Digital Gulag

Technocracy is to liberty and freedom as anti-matter is to matter. It is a gangrene upon the world, eating its flesh and vitality region by region, nation by nation. It is a contagious mental disease where subjects submit to digital slavery, not knowing or understanding that it may result in their ejection from society or even premature death. It is a panopticon designed to control people from the inside rather than by external forces. 

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Author Of Limits To Growth (1972) Still Promotes Population Reduction Of 86%

Meadows is insane to think that getting rid of 6 billion or so human inhabitants of earth can be "peaceful" or "fair". Yet, his Club of Rome was a creation of the Rockefeller dynasty which has spread and embedded these crazy ideas throughout the world. Another Club of Rome book (1991) stated, "The real enemy then, is humanity itself." To this day, genocidal thinking is everywhere in elite circles.

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