Search Results for great reset

Mercola: Dismantling The Transhumanist Agenda

Transhumanism represents the "Great Reset" of humans in the same vein that Technocracy will reset the economic, social and governance of society. Hacking the human genome will have disastrous effects on our long-term survival. COVID injections based on mRNA represent the first major effort to artificially transform the human body into a dependent and controllable entity.

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Ukraine War Continues Supply Chain Crisis After Pandemic

The destruction of the global supply chain continues unabated. This is essential to reduce the global economy to ashes prior to "building back better" after the Great Reset. The WEF's new world order will have a radically redesigned supply chain as well as a redesigned monetary system; it will all be digital and based on blockchain.

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The Role Of Henry Kissinger In Spawning The World Economic Forum

Comedic relief is sometimes the best way to understand complex topics, but it's no laughing matter that Klaus Schwab's oldest mentor is Trilateral Commission founding member, Henry Kissinger, who was also a prime architect of the Commission's self-declared New International Economic Order. Thus, it's no surprise the the WEF and Trilateral Commission are in perfect alignment for the Great Reset.

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New World Disorder And The Demise Of Capitalism

It is prevalent thinking that destructive economic policies are the result of bumbling politicians like Biden who "hasn't got a clue that his 'empire is crumbling around him." But in fact, the WEF Great Reset ideologues know exactly what they are doing to torch the existing global economy, making way for Technocracy.

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Arizona First To Embrace Digital Driver’s Licenses On iPhones

It's not just that Arizona joined the surveillance-crazed pack of states pushing digital id, but it was the FIRST state to do so. Unfortunately, Arizona leaders -not the general population - have become a frontrunner in the Great Reset and are providing the "bum's rush" to everyone else to implement it.

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Canadian Government’s Think-Tank Explores Transhuman Society

"Preposterous!" you say, but the director of Policy Horizons Canada who created the report was formerly the head of  Strategic Foresight at the World Economic Forum, the global home of all things Technocratic and Transhuman, i.e., the Great Reset.

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BlackRock’s CEO: Ukraine War Accelerates ESG And Digital Currencies

Larry Fink is a core leader in the World Economic Forum's Great Reset. He links the Ukraine/Russia war as an accelerator to "reorganize the global economy as the old world order crumbles." This is in line with TN's analysis and Fink himself has confirmed that this is, in fact, the case.

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Red Alert: With New EO, Biden Is Probing How To Terminate Fiat Currency, Implement Digital Money

According to Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the U.S. Constitution, Congress is specifically granted exclusive responsibility "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures".  No problem for Biden, who rules with a pen. Fintech is the chosen financial system for the post-Great Reset world, aka Technocracy. Read the full EO below, with highlights provided by TN.

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Biodiversity: The Genetic Takeover Of All Living Things

The World Economic Forum’s self-declared “Great Reset” has two aspects: first, is the radical economic transformation promoted as Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy; second is the radical transformation of all living things, including humans, aka Transhumanism. The WEF’s own website speaks plainly about both.

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Wokeism: The Cruel Destruction Of Society To Make Way For ‘Build Back Better’

The scorched earth practice of Wokeism is not the end in itself, but the means to the end of the global elite's Great Reset and Build Back Better, aka Technocracy. Capitalism and free market economy must be destroyed in order for Technocracy to take total control, so burning down the existing order is the interim goal.

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