Search Results for china

Technocrats Must Have TPP To Tighten Global Economic Regulations

The U.S. Trade Representative, Michael Froman, is the chief architect of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). He is also a member of the elitist Trilateral Commission that has promoted Technocracy and all it entails, since 1973. He is now threatening that if the U.S. doesn't pass TPP, that China will take over. This is total nonsense, but it shows that Technocrats are starting to sweat over anti-TPP forces.

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UN Chief Launches First Report To Track Sustainable Development Goals

Technocracy requires monitoring in order to control, and as in any good project, progress must be clearly represented to everyone knows how the technocrat processed are working. The UN is no exception, since Sustainable Development is nothing more than warmed over Technocracy from the 1930s.

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Senator Whitehouse (D-RI) Sites ‘Web Of Denial’ On Global Warming

Whitehouse and 19 other Senators who are supporting this tirade against 'deniers', are the 'useful idiots' of Technocrats who planted all this bad science in the first place. It's perfectly ironic that Whitehouse charges fossil fuel companies with a “misinformation campaign to mislead the public and cast doubt in order to protect their financial interest.”

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What Technocrats Fears Most: Populism

TN Note: By definition, Technocracy seeks to force everyone into a holarchy where all serve the 'greater good' and no one is allowed to serve themselves. Populism blows that model to pieces, and is the biggest threat to Technocrats everywhere.

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Freedom Is Receding Around the World

TN Note: It is not coincidental that Freedom and Liberty would decline in direct proportion to the rise of Technocracy at the helm of Scientific Dictatorship. Technocracy is more toxic to freedom than socialism, communism or fascism.

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Climate Change Chief Christiana Figueres Enters Race To Head UN

TN Note: TN first reported this on June 28, but now it is official: Figueres will likely become the first female Secretary-General of the United Nations. Don't forget that she pledged last year to overthrow capitalism and free enterprise in favor of Sustainable Development, or Green Economy, which is Technocracy. She could quickly become the most dangerous woman to the free world.

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Predictive Analysis ‘Crystal Ball’ To Employ Digital DNA Avatar

The ultimate data collection model about you will include your DNA, activities, personality, lifestyle factors, etc. iCarbonX declares its "intention of recommending tailored wellness programs, food choices and possibly prescription medicines." To the extent that your avatar exists in the computing ether, you will be micro-managed like cattle in a feed lot, until the day you die. Remember that China has been a Technocracy since at least 1995, and so Technocrats are encouraged to think this way.

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