Search Results for AGENDA 2030

Technocracy Exposed With The World Health Organization’s ‘Pandemic Treaty’

Global public health is merely the prop for the greater scheme of taking control of the entire planet and all of its resources, including humans. If adopted, the treaty will  doom democracy and republicanism to the dustbin of history. Big Pharma and the biotech industry will sit at the top of the new international Technocracy, directing the transmogrification of Humanity 2.0 .

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Is Google’s AI Manipulating Your Brain?

Google is a core powerbase of this global cabal, often referred to as the Deep State — a hidden power structure based on wealth and financial influence behind (and above) the individual governments of the world — because the cabal’s control powers hinge on electronic surveillance and social engineering." [Mercola] 

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Brits Are Protesting 15-Minute Cities To Avoid Becoming Prisoners Of The State

A 15-minute city means everything you have to (or can do) exists within 15 minutes from where you live. People are seeing it as a virtual gulag where confinement is monitored with geo-fencing, smart phones and panopticon-style surveillance. Also perceived is the inability (or great difficulty) to escape from your assigned 15-minute neighborhood. Globalists and Technocrats are thrilled at the prospect.

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Silicon Valley Whistleblower: ‘SMART Cities’ Worldwide Are Being Converted Into ‘Open Concentration Camps’

Technocracy is scientific dictatorship and it is rising up all around us. Americans need to take eyes off of political dogfights and see that the Biden Administration is spending billions to embed "SMART CITY" technology all across our nation. It is the infrastructure of a gulag without physical walls.

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Technocracy: The Full Digitization of Everything, And Then Some

The world is sleep-walking into its own demise, driven by its own desire for convenience and self-indulgent addiction. The global trap is set, primed for the enslavement of humanity. Is this the future you want? Or do you want to reclaim your humanity and reject the Technocratic tyranny?

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United Nations 2.0: A Whole-Of-World Technocracy

The United Nations is getting an upgrade to prepare itself for the post-Great Reset era. The WEF and UN are all but physically merged into a giant public-private partnership to transform the world through "Innovation, Data, Strategic foresight, Results orientation, and Behavioural science."  Remember that Technocracy was defined as the "Science of Social Engineering" as far back as 1937.

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Elitists Are Building Megalopolis, Where Plebs Will Eat Insects

Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, is anti-human and anti-civilization, but only a minuscule of people understand just how dangerous and pervasive this agenda really is. Yes, cricket protein powder has already been commercialized and will be increasingly seen in grocery store products.

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Forget Politician Puppets: It’s The Global Technocracy That Must Be Broken

Technocracy cannot be broken from the top down. It must be broken from the bottom up, in local communities where you live. Even though the "system" is orchestrated from the top, all the expression of it winds up being local. People around the world are beginning to get this and are taking action where they live.

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Stupid Personified: Collect And Bury CO2 With 1,300 Mile Pipeline

This is a story of citizen resistance to the insanity of burying carbon dioxide, disrupting large swaths of farming operations and seriously harming local growth of plants that require CO2 for photosynthesis. These policies are anti-human and anti-civilization because CO2 is as important as is the oxygen we breath. The pressure for human depopulation rests on this same premise: humans exhale CO2.

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Nordangård: UN’s Digital World Brain Seeks To Track Everything And Everyone

As TN has warned for 12 years now that the United Nations is gunning for total control of the Internet, seeking to morph it into a digital brain that can control every thing and every one on the earth. The aim is total social control and behavior modification to suit Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.

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