Search Results for great reset

CJ Hopkins: The Final Days Of The Covidian Cult

If Klaus Schwab saw the pandemic as a "narrow window of opportunity" to achieve Technocracy's Great Reset, then the resistance has a narrow window of opportunity to thoroughly reject the whole lot of them along with their vain imaginations of conquering the world. The road to victory will not be pleasant, but it is still possible nonetheless.

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Synthetic Life: Living, Reproducing Xenobots 3.0 Designed By AI

Technocrats invent because they can, not because there is a demonstrated need to do so. Synthetic life designed by AI is a holy grail of both Technocracy and Transhumanism, taking humanity closer to the Great Reset. It is not known what will happen when synthetic cells interact with organic tissue.

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COVID Authoritarians Are Wrecking America, Not The Unvaccinated

Writers are recognizing that the "blame game" points fingers away from the real perpetrators. Technocrats have triggered the base and dark instincts of would-be tyrants to completely disrupt the world's economic system, thus playing into the so-called "Great Reset" to "Build Back Better".

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Next Purge For Google, YouTube: Climate Change Denial Content

It appears that if you are a denier of any sort, you will be purged by the Technocrat machine. The only content left will be that which agrees one-hundred percent with the global narrative of the Great Reset, aka Technocracy. Meanwhile, Google continues to claim that it is not an editorial organization.

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Susan Rice Surfaces Again To Save Biden’s Agenda

Former member of the Trilateral Commission and Biden's top lieutenant is scrambling to save Biden's agenda - or is it Rice's agenda on behalf of her Great Reset handlers? Perhaps both, as she is increasingly seen as being the only adult in the room and behind-the-scenes master of the Biden Administration.

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Technocrats Are Preparing ‘Mandatory’ Personal Carbon Allowances

As forecast, the pandemic and global warming memes are merging because they are both orchestrated by the exact same alarmist crowd of Sustainable Development ideologues. The UN's Sustainable Development goals are the plumb line for the future of humanity and are totally embedded in the WEF's Great Reset.

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Rampant And Blatant COVID Fear Mongering On Social Media

Propaganda on social media is ubiquitous and intended to deceive an unsuspecting public into complying with the Technocrat agenda of total control. Fabricated social media posts saturate the Internet with total falsehoods as so-called fact checkers remain completely silent. This is the next wave of assault in the revolutionary Great Reset.

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U.S. Army Is Preparing For Mandatory COVID Shots For Troops

The military/industrial complex is tightly aligned with Big Tech and Big Pharma Technocrats to bring about the WEF's CC Great Reset. Soldiers will receive the injections, already known to cause serious injury to the recipients, up to and including death.

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