Search Results for agenda 21

Technocracy: Humanity Is Sentenced To A Unipolar Prison And Digital Gulag

Technocracy is to liberty and freedom as anti-matter is to matter. It is a gangrene upon the world, eating its flesh and vitality region by region, nation by nation. It is a contagious mental disease where subjects submit to digital slavery, not knowing or understanding that it may result in their ejection from society or even premature death. It is a panopticon designed to control people from the inside rather than by external forces. 

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Day 12: Rejecting Technocracy

Americans have overcome seemingly insurmountable enemies in our past, but only to the extent that we came together as AMERICA and threw off the forces that sought to bury us. 

Day 9: Technocracy And Smart Cities

A main object of Technocracy and Sustainable Development is to transfer resources out of the hands of people and their representative institutions into the hands of a global common trust operated by the global elite.

Day 6: Technocracy’s Necessary Requirements

Only seven requirements were specified to implement Technocracy in 1934. The technology didn’t exist then to do the job, but it does exist today and it is being used to set the stage for Scientific Dictatorship.

Teachers, Preachers And Greens Unholy Alliance To Transform America

The bedrock of American strength has always been education and churches and both have been virtually destroyed. In particular, vast swathes of Christian churches have been transformed into centers of Earth worship and all things green. How this happened is no mystery. It was intentional with malicious intent to destroy America.

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Flashback: Rebuilding Babel – Toward The Endgame of Technocracy

As the world continues to dive into the chaos of the Great Reset, this article will remind you that all the warning signs were plainly visible several years ago, but they were not taken seriously by those who might have taken action to stop it. Today, we are paying a huge, if not existential price for inattention, because now we are at war with a still-unrecognized enemy.

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Stupid Personified: Collect And Bury CO2 With 1,300 Mile Pipeline

This is a story of citizen resistance to the insanity of burying carbon dioxide, disrupting large swaths of farming operations and seriously harming local growth of plants that require CO2 for photosynthesis. These policies are anti-human and anti-civilization because CO2 is as important as is the oxygen we breath. The pressure for human depopulation rests on this same premise: humans exhale CO2.

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Dr. Mercola: Patrick Wood On The Pressing Dangers Of Technocracy

With one political outrage after another, Technocrats are slipping by with their unending agenda to create a scientific dictatorship and make politics irrelevant. We are at war with these Technocrats and yet have not begun to fight: Why? Because the enemy, operating in stealth mode, has not yet been recognized. Subscribe to my new serialized book as it is being penned, The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism at

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The BIS Is Orchestrating The Big Switch To Digital Currency

Technocracy and Communism have been enemies since the early 1900s, so it is a misnomer to call today's global transmogrification technocommunism. I addressed the distinctives between Communism and Technocracy in Day 4 of my series, The Twelve Days Of Technocracy: Technocracy Vs. Communism/Socialism, Fascism.

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