Search Results for ukraine

Sanctions On Russia Being Used To Hasten The Great Reset

Sanctions on Russia are killing the West, not Russia. Why? Because the war is not about Russia, but rather killing capitalism and Free Enterprise, which is a requirement for the Great Reset, aka Technocracy, to take over the world. This insightful article is a must read.

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WHO Treaty Seeks Total Control Over Global Health

The World Health Organization, a thinly disguised proxy for Big Pharma and corporate interests who push for Technocracy, is going for all the marbles: creating a global treaty that would cede all power to the UN/WHO to mandate injections, vaccine passports and total surveillance.

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How The C-Suite Embraced Lockdowns And Economic War

C-Suite are those execs whose titles start with "C", such as CEO, CFO, etc. Global corporations have been lured into policies and actions that are destructive to shareholder value. I will suggest this is the irresistible Siren call of Technocracy, beckoning the ships to head for the rocks."

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US Government Paid News Media $1 Billion For Propaganda to Promote mRNA Vaccines

Your own tax dollars have been weaponized against you. Technocrat overlords at Big Pharma directed the U.S. government to spend $1 billion of your tax dollars to sell billions of dollars worth of mRNA-based injections. Collectively, the overall health of America declined, people died and lives were shattered.

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Phase 2: Technocracy’s War On Humanity

In war, diversionary strategies are legendary: trick the enemy into thinking you are doing one thing, while you secretly do another thing to sneak up from another direction and clobber them. Technocracy is at war with the world since January 2020 with the introduction of COVID. Now, the next phase is underway and you will never see it if you look directly at Russia or Ukraine.

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U.N. Guterres Says High Gas Prices Good For The Planet

The U.N. is cheering high gas prices to teach the world a lesson about global warming. High prices are an intentional strategy to kill carbon-based energy in favor of walking, bicycling and resetting the global economy back to the 1800s.

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Does China Have Vested Interest To Kill Capitalism?

One cannot trust any propaganda coming from China, but its latest actions to lock down major cities again threatens to disrupt the global supply chain. The big question is, would China sacrifice a few million of its citizens to destroy capitalism on behalf of Technocracy?

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Technocracy Aims To Control Health Systems Worldwide, Forever

Control over the global health system is set to grow. This represents an assault on bodily autonomy down to your genetic structure. It also is an attempt to control the very soul - mind, will and emotions - of everyone on earth. Ultimately, souls will become a tradable commodity like wheat, corn or cattle. Welcome to Scientific Dictatorship, aka Technocracy.

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Big Economic Trouble In China Further Threatens Global Supply Chain

Before the war started in Ukraine, China was already headed into a huge economic abyss. The Hang Seng tech index has dropped 61% from its top last year, while the Nasdaq Golden Dragon China Index of U.S.-traded stocks has fallen 68%. Now the city of Shenzhen, China's equivalent to Silicon Valley, has been shut down over COVID.

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America’s Deteriorating Energy Grid Will Be Major Driver In Great Reset

The war on carbon-based fuels coupled with the rise of alternative energy has degraded America's energy network to the point that we are faced with soaring electricity bills, rolling blackouts, factory shutdowns and outright failure of the grid. If unreliability doesn't get your immediate attention, your future energy bills will.

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