Search Results for AGENDA 2030

World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed

It was no coincidence that 1992 was chosen as the year to start the Global Leaders of Tomorrow program. This was the same year that Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development was unleashed on the world. The new agenda for the world required a new kind of leader and Schwab's program was pivotal.

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Part I: Stealing The Global Commons And Everything Else

The goal of modern globalization that started with the Trilateral Commission in 1973, was always to grab all the resources of the world. This is clearly seen today through the operations of the World Economic Forum and public-private partnerships. It's a "winner-take-all" strategy.

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Technocracy’s Inherent Evil Exposed As Anti-Human, Anti-Civilization

While Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development, promises to save the world, its continued assertion of force will instead destroy it. It is inherently anti-human and anti-civilization, driven by evil, not benevolence. This article is insightful and necessary to understand the mind of a Technocrat.

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Hohmann: Technocracy Will Dehumanize All Humans Into ‘Digital Assets’

The WEF's Great Reset, aka Technocracy and which is enthusiastically backed by global banks and corporations, intends to turn the citizens of the world into digital assets for the sake of management, control and profit. Instead of being a human,  you will be a blip on the blockchain which will be used to micromanage you.

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The Fraud of Climate Change And the Drive for Control

The birth-pangs of Technocracy are painful and messy as pseudo-science is pitted against real science. Climate change (and the COVID-19 panic) are instruments used to stampede the world into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. Will the lies ever stop? Not likely.

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The Great Reset: The Rise Of the Techno-Fascist System Is Now ‘In Your Face’

My recent interview with The Epoch Times' Joshua Phillip has sparked a rash of research and investigative journalism in order to see if what I revealed was true. Journalist Leo Hohmann, for one, is fearlessly reporting on the World Economic Forum's Great Reset and calling it out for what it is: a "blatant, in-your-face assault."

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Mercola: The Global Technocrat Takeover Is Underway

This is a must-read article by Dr. Joseph Mercola, who clearly delineates the threats we face from Technocracy, aka Sustainable Development, aka the Great Reset, aka the Global Green New Deal, aka Scientific Dictatorship.

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World Economic Forum’s Techno-Totalitarian Roadmap

Global elite Technocrats cannot fathom how there could be any blowback against their techno-totalitarian dreams of Utopia. Those who do resist are viewed as an expendable nuisance and too ignorant to know what is good for themselves.

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