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Scientists Warn Genetically Engineered Insects Could Be Easily Weaponized

Although this article was originally published October 23, 2018, it is more prescient today than before. Genetic scientists who are tinkering with nature will not end up helping nature, but rather will destroy it. Insects containing genetically engineered viruses have as much killing potential as any other weapon on earth.

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Top 15 Reasons That Prove Global Warming Is A Hoax

Global warming is a hoax invented by Technocrats such as populate the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission and the United Nations. The singular purpose is to drive the world into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. The pandemic hoax followed the same path, and only one solution is offered.

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The Club Of Rome, Climate Hysteria And Global Governance

My book, Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order, was titled after Richard Gardner's 1974 article that appeared in Foreign Affairs Magazine. This was the genesis of modern globalization, the architects of which created a phony climate/population crisis to panic the world into accepting their draconian demands. It was fraud from day one and remains total fraud today.

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Technocracy: Humanity Is Sentenced To A Unipolar Prison And Digital Gulag

Technocracy is to liberty and freedom as anti-matter is to matter. It is a gangrene upon the world, eating its flesh and vitality region by region, nation by nation. It is a contagious mental disease where subjects submit to digital slavery, not knowing or understanding that it may result in their ejection from society or even premature death. It is a panopticon designed to control people from the inside rather than by external forces. 

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Wendy’s Debuts Google-Powered Chatbot For Drive-Thru

There will be a tidal wave of layoffs in the fast food industry over the next few years, as customer interaction will be increasingly handled by AI instead of people. Entry-level jobs like this are critical to properly induct young people into the workforce. Other customer-facing jobs in jeopardy? Bank tellers, tax preparers, lawyers, financial advisors.

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FDA Approves Gene-Edited Pigs For Human Consumption

The goal of the Technocrat/Transhuman cartel is to edit the DNA of all living species. WSU is leading the genetic modification rush to introduce GMO meat for human consumption. This article is full of misleading statements such as "Gene-editing is a modern, cutting-edge technology that works only within a species’ DNA and can make changes that could come about naturally or through traditional breeding practices."

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Expert Says It’s A Good Thing That AI Could Replace 80% Of Jobs “In Next Few Years”

Here is an all-out apologist for turning loose AI and ChatGPT-like programs on the world. He recognizes that there will be huge societal repercussions but in the same breath says, "I don't know how (to) solve all the social issues." This Pollyanna-ish view of reality is typical of the purely Technocrat mindset: "Dam the torpedoes and full speed ahead."

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King Charles Plots To Accelerate UN 2030 Agenda Goals And Complete Digitization Of Humanity

Nobody in their right mind would call King Charles a Communist. He is a Technocrat of the worst sort, bent on implementing the U.N.' 2030 Agenda with its 17 SDGs, al of which sum up in historic Technocracy from the 1930s. Charles also intends to require his "subjects" to swear an oath of allegiance to him as king. Technocracy is the clear and present danger to the entire world.

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WHO/’One Health’: The Global Takeover Of Everything

The World Health Organization is hopelessly compromised by Technocrat oligarchs like Bill Gates, and they intend to flip the world into a scientific dictatorship, aka Technocracy. This is the core of the coup d'etat that started with the Great Panic of 2020 and is designed for total global control. Technocracy's war on humanity is viscous, mean spirited and dispassionate, and will stop at nothing to achieve its goals.

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