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Recipe For Toxic COVID Stew: Badges, Guns, Quarantine Camps

Governments are increasingly being turned against their citizens, but by who? The only possible perpetrators are the global Technocrats who are intent on flipping the entire planet into Technocracy, aka Scientific Dictatorship. The pressure cooker of tyranny will ultimately force an outright rebellion.

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Modern Globalization: Nothing Less Than The Biggest Land Grab In History

Since the 1970s, I have said that the "New International Economic Order" was nothing less than a massive resource grab to suck everything into the hands of a narrow group of oligarchs. This was later revealed as "Sustainable Development", aka Technocracy. How else could the WEF say, "You will own nothing and be happy"? Well, somebody has to own everything!

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Jigsaw: Google’s Private Intelligence Agency

Google and it's parent company, Alphabet, are maneuvering to replace the functions and boundaries of the nation-state. Collectively, the have more power to influence propaganda, events and elections than most regimes have. In view here is their organized effort to create a private intel agency.

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Vaccine Passports Adopted By A Barrage Of New Countries And Airlines

Countries and global corporations will drive herds of people to get vaccinated in order to travel, enter government buildings, participate in commerce, get discounts at participating retailers and wholesalers, etc. This is tantamount to extortion and will force many people to take vaccines against their own will.

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Email Giant Mailchimp Now Censoring And Deactivating Accounts

Across the spectrum of the Internet world, outright war has been declared on Free Speech and the First Amendment. Social media, payment processors, search engines, telecommunications and now email services are ganged up against the entire body of conservative thought in America.

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Blueprint For Overthrow: Transition Integrity Project (TIP)

A group of high-powered globalists from the US, including John Podesta (Trilateral Commission), are plotting the overthrow of the United States to achieve the Great Reset of the Green New Deal and Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. This subversion is a clear and present danger to the integrity of our national government and Constitution.

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Rickards: ‘1984’ Has Come To China… USA Is Next

High profile economic expert and author Jim Rickards has nailed China for its 1984-like control over society using doublethink, Newspeak, Thought Police, etc., and warns that it is headed toward America. The only dot left to connect is Technocracy

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