Search Results for china

China V. America: Global Battle for 5G Dominance

The United States and China are in a race to develop fifth-generation (5G) cellular wireless technology, which could determine who controls mobile telecommunications in the…...

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New China Demand: Tech Companies Must Collect And Report Even More User Data

The new rules take effect on November 30 and will apply to all companies doing business in China. They insist that all user activity be identified by real names and types of hardware they use. If the object is to control dissent, the Technocrats-in-charge must perceive a groundswell of resistance.

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China’s Creates Genius Youth Brigade To Design Killer Robots

TN covers a lot of stories from China because it is a full-blown Technocracy, intent on radical social engineering of all society on earth. Purposely developing and manufacturing killer robots guarantees that WWIII present an existential threat to mankind.

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China Developing Look-A-Like Stealth Combat Drone

China's drone is a near-clone of the U.S. Navy's X47B drone that was halted in 2015. The Chinese will sell these drones to any government in the world, without restrictions, whereas the U.S. requires heavy restrictions. Chinese Technocrats have no ethical restraint.

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